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Other:Laws & Incentives
AFV Acquisitions by Regulated Fleets (by Fleet Type)
AFV Acquisitions by Regulated Fleets (by Fuel Type)
Annual Vehicle Credits Earned and Used by Regulated Fleets
Biodiesel Laws and Incentives by State
Biodiesel Purchases by EPAct-Regulated Fleets
Clean Cities and Communities Coalition Locations
Electric Vehicle Laws and Incentives by State
EPAct State & Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Exemptions
Ethanol Laws and Incentives by State
Ethanol Laws and Incentives by State
Fuel Economy and Consumption of Light-Duty Vehicles
Fuel Taxes by Country
Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector
Hydrogen Laws and Incentives by State
Incentive Additions by Policy Type
Law and Incentive Additions by Fuel/Technology Type
Natural Gas Laws and Incentives by State
Propane Laws and Incentives by State
Renewable Diesel Laws and Incentives by State
U.S. HEV Sales by Model
U.S. Plug-in Electric Vehicle Sales by Model
U.S. Production, Consumption, and Trade of Ethanol
Vehicle Credits Traded by Regulated Fleets
Vehicle Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) Requirements by Year
AFV Acquisitions by Regulated Fleets (by Fleet Type)
1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
State | 705 | 1208 | 1587 | 2174 | 3148 | 3741 | 5443 | 11327 | 8448 | 8248 | 6143 | 6652 | 9316 | 11863 | 13510 | 19488 | 9971 | 8412 | 12150 | 14655 | 16042 | 16077 | 14916 | 17296 | 16644 | 15544 | 16935 | 11566 | 6215 | 7639 | 7669 |
Alternative Fuel Provider | 1778 | 3113 | 3855 | 2457 | 3169 | 2378 | 2564 | 2676 | 2184 | 2065 | 2137 | 1449 | 906 | 977 | 1646 | 1745 | 1113 | 1869 | 2346 | 3558 | 4552 | 4129 | 5655 | 5139 | 4458 | 4551 | 5107 | 4051 | 4367 | 4016 | 4062 |
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory EPAct State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Task
Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) and subsequent regulations, certain vehicle fleets operated by state agencies or alternative fuel providers are required to acquire alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) as a fraction of their light-duty (LD) vehicle acquisitions. This chart shows the number of LD AFV acquisitions made by these fleets, as well as other creditable vehicle acquisitions as defined by the program—including medium/heavy-duty (MD/HD) AFVs and LD/MD/HD hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The economic downturn of 2008 led to fewer overall vehicle acquisitions, which in turn reduced AFV acquisition requirements. Vehicle purchases rebounded to pre-recession levels, but again dropped during the pandemic.
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