Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV) and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Manufacturing Incentives

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program may offer direct loans to eligible manufacturers for up to 30% of the cost of re-equipping, expanding, or establishing manufacturing facilities in the United States used to produce qualified ATVs, ATV components, or alternative fuel infrastructure, including associated hardware and software. Qualified ATVs are light-, medium-, and heavy-duty ultra-efficient vehicles that meet specified federal emission standards and fuel economy requirements, and emit low or zero exhaust. Ultra-efficient vehicles are fully closed compartment vehicles, designed to carry at least two adult passengers, which achieve at least 75 miles per gallon while operating on gasoline or diesel fuel, as hybrid electric vehicles operating on gasoline or diesel fuel, or as fully electric vehicles. Qualified components must be designed for ATVs and installed for the purpose of meeting ATV performance requirements, as determined by DOE. For more information, see the DOE’s ATVs Manufacturing Loan Program website, the ATVs Manufacturing Loan Program fact sheet, and the final rule.

(Reference 42 U.S. Code 17013 and Public Law 117-169)

Jurisdiction: Federal

Type: Incentives

Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Enacted: Dec 17, 2007

Amended: Aug 16, 2021

Technologies: EVs, Fuel Economy / Efficiency, HEVs, PHEVs

See all Federal Laws and Incentives.