Washington Laws and Incentives
Listed below are incentives, laws, and regulations related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles for Washington. Your local Clean Cities coalition can provide you with information about grants and other opportunities. You can also access coalition and other agency contact information in the points of contact section.
To view a list of utilities that are offering incentives in Washington, see Utilities / Private Entities Offering Incentives.
Laws and Incentives
Washington Information
Find information about alternative fuels and advanced vehicles in Washington.
Information in this list is updated throughout the year and comprehensively reviewed annually after Washington's legislative session ends.
Last Comprehensive Review: May 2023
Filter by Technology/Fuel
State Incentives
- Washington's National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Planning
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Grants
- Diesel Emission Reduction Grants
- Alternative Fueling Infrastructure Grant Program
- Commercial Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) and Fueling Infrastructure Tax Credit
- Electric Vehicle (EV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Infrastructure and Battery Tax Credit
- Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Carshare Grant
- Utility Electrification Plans and Return on Investment Authorization
- Green Transportation Grant Program
- Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Retail Sales and Use Tax Exemption
- Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Tax Exemption
- Natural Gas Tax Exemptions
- Biodiesel Feedstock Tax Exemption
- Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Emissions Inspection Exemption
- Low-Income Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebates
- Idle Reduction Weight Exemption
- Community Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Grants
- Zero Emission School Bus Grants
- 0 results
Laws and Regulations
- Utility Electrification Requirements
- Fleet Electric Vehicle (EV) Procurement Requirements
- Public Utility Definition
- Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)
- Volkswagen (VW) Settlement Allocation
- Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) Support
- Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Testing Requirements
- Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) and Infrastructure Manufacturing Siting and Permitting Support
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Signage and Parking Regulations
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Fees
- Hydrogen Distribution, Production, and Sale Authorization
- Mandatory Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Building Standards
- Utility Electric Transportation Plan Authorization
- Renewable Fuel Standard
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Promotion and Infrastructure Development
- State Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Availability
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Fee
- Local Government Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Requirements
- Electric Vehicle (EV) and Battery Exchange Station Regulations
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Road User Assessment System Pilot
- Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Technical Assistance and Education Program
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Definitions
- Biofuel Blend Dispenser Labeling Requirement
- Biofuel Quality Program
- E85 Definition
- Biodiesel Definition
- Medium- and Heavy-Duty (MHD) Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Deployment Support
- Biodiesel Storage Regulations
- Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales Requirements and Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Standards
- Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Requirement
- Alternative Fuel Vehicle Labeling Requirement
- Zero Emission School Bus Grant Program Authorization
- Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) and Propane Annual Fee
- Medium-Speed and Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Definition and Access to Roadways
- Biodiesel Use Requirement
- Alternative Fuel Use Requirement
- State Vehicle Low Rolling Resistance Tire Requirement
- Low Carbon Fuel and Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Acquisition Requirement
- Biofuels Production and Distribution Contracts
- Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and Renewable Hydrogen Fuel Sales Regulations
- State Emissions Reductions Requirements
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Deployment Goal
- Electric Transportation Transition Study
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers and Hydrogen Fueling Station Support
- Zero Emission Truck Support and Demonstration
- Support for Electric Vehicle (EV) and Infrastructure Deployment
- Support for Interagency Collaboration on Hydrogen Development
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Policies for Multi-Unit Dwellings
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Community Grant Program Authorization
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Destruction Prevention
- 0 results
Utilities / Private Entities Offering Incentives
Expired, Repealed, and Archived Laws and Incentives
View a list of expired, repealed, and archived laws and incentives in Washington.
Points of Contact
Get contact information for Clean Cities and Communities coalitions or agencies that can help you with clean transportation laws, incentives, and funding opportunities in Washington.
Clean Cities and Communities Coalitions
Washington is home to the following coalitions:
Legislative Session Information
The Washington Legislature meets annually from mid-January to mid-March in even numbered years and from mid-January to late-April in odd numbered years, as part of a two-year legislative cycle. During the session, the governor must sign or veto legislation within five days of transmittal (except Sundays) or bills becomes law without signature. The governor must act upon bills transmitted during the last five days of the session within 20 days of transmittal (except Sundays) or they become law without signature.