Electric Vehicles

All-electric vehicles—also referred to as battery electric vehicles (BEVs)—plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) all use electricity, which improves vehicle efficiency. In colloquial references, these three vehicle types are sometimes called electric cars, electric-drive vehicles, electric vehicles, or simply EVs even though some of these vehicles still use liquid fuels in conjunction with electricity. BEVs and PHEVs are also referred to more specifically as plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). View a short introductory video for more information on electric vehicle technology.

All-Electric Vehicles 

Icon of a plug in an electrical outlet.

All-electric vehicles, also called battery electric vehicles, have a battery that is charged by plugging the vehicle in to charging equipment. These vehicles always operate in all-electric mode and have typical driving ranges from 150 to 400 miles.

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles 

Icon of a plug in an electrical outlet and a fuel pump.

PHEVs are powered by an internal combustion engine and an electric motor that uses energy stored in a battery. PHEVs can operate in all-electric (or charge-depleting) mode. To enable operation in all-electric mode, PHEVs require a larger battery, which can be plugged in to an electric power source to charge. To support a driver’s typical daily travel needs, most PHEVs can travel between 20 and 40 miles on electricity alone, and then will operate solely on gasoline, similar to a conventional hybrid.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles 

Icon of a fuel pump.

HEVs are powered by an internal combustion engine and one or more electric motors that use energy stored in a battery. The vehicle is fueled with gasoline to operate the internal combustion engine, and the battery is charged through regenerative braking, not by plugging in.

Tax Credits and Incentives

Some all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles qualify for a $3,700 to $7,500 federal tax credit. Many states also offer additional incentives for purchasing new EVs.

Icon of a magnifying glass. Find tax credits and incentives in your state.

Electric Vehicle Community Readiness

Electric vehicle readiness guidance can help communities evaluate their readiness and plan for the arrival of EVs and EV charging. Learn more about conducting EV readiness planning.

Electric School Bus Resources

Schools interested in electric school buses can access a video training series. This in-depth series includes multiple modules and handouts related to electric school bus implementation and will help school bus fleet managers who want to adopt electric school buses. Each module covers a different topic, including an introduction to Clean Cities and Communities and an electric school bus 101, as well as information about utilities, vehicle requirements, charging infrastructure, planning, vehicle performance, driver and technician training, and cost.

Find a step-by-step guide to the school bus electrification process in the Electric School Bus Planning Guide.

Electric Vehicles for Fleets

Electric vehicles can fulfill many daily driving needs, making them a great solution for fleets. Learn about the benefits of electric vehicles for fleets and options for charging infrastructure.

Electric Vehicles for Consumers

More consumers are choosing electric vehicles as new, competitively priced models with longer ranges hit the market and more public charging stations are rapidly becoming available. Learn more about vehicle and charging options for consumers.

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