Maps and Data
Find maps and charts showing transportation data and trends related to alternative fuels and vehicles.
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9 results
Clean Cities and Communities Coalition Locations
Clean Cities and Communities Project Awards and Matching Funds
Clean Cities and Communities Alternative Fuel Vehicle Inventory
Clean Cities and Communities Energy Use Impact by AFV Type
Energy Use Impact
Clean Cities and Communities Annual Energy Use Impact
Clean Cities and Communities Cumulative Energy Use Impact
Clean Cities and Communities Energy Use Impact by AFV Type
Clean Cities and Communities Energy Use Impact by VMT Reduction and FE
Clean Cities and Communities Energy Use Impact through Idle Reduction
Clean Cities and Communities Coalition Locations

More than 75 Clean Cities and Communities coalitions foster the nation's economic, environmental, and energy security by working locally to advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels, energy efficient mobility systems, and other fuel-saving technologies and practices. Most coalitions are located in major metropolitan areas. Find your local coalition.