Average Per-Passenger Fuel Economy by Travel Mode

Transit Rail Intercity Rail Commuter Rail Airlines Motorcycles Cars Light Trucks Transit Buses Demand Response
pmpGGE 141.3578234970926 79.8363786258045 75.97927843152102 53.6164519154887 50.7422915613835 43.14081409841972 37.4384003793247 25.94823371257527 7.743605970247819
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Transportation Energy Data Book 40. 2022,Table 2.13.

British thermal unit (Btu) to GGE conversion taken from Appendix A3 of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Monthly Energy Review, September 2022.

This chart shows average per-passenger fuel economy of various modes of travel. All forms of rail achieve relatively high values because of high ridership, proportionally low drag, and high electrification rates (electricity is inherently more efficient than combustion-engine propulsion). Airlines are an increasingly efficient form of transport as more passengers are fit onto planes and ticketing software fills most planes to capacity. Motorcycles achieve a high number of passenger miles per gallon, owing to their light weight and very high fuel efficiency. Transit buses are not very efficient at their current ridership rates, which have declined since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Demand response vehicles are the least efficient because they need to use fuel just to get to the passenger.

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