School Bus Idle Reduction Policy
School bus drivers or drivers of other vehicles that the school district owns, leases, or contracts must turn off the vehicle engine while boarding and deboarding passengers on school grounds or near a school. Exceptions include idling for mechanical work, to maintain a comfortable temperature in the vehicle, or in emergency evacuations where it is necessary to operate wheelchair lifts. Drivers should also instruct pupils on the necessity to load and unload promptly, park their vehicles diagonally to minimize exhaust from entering another bus or the school, and turn off their vehicle during sporting or other events. School districts must provide personnel with a notice outlining these provisions no later than five days after the start of the school year. For more information, see the New York State Education Department website.
(Reference New York Consolidated Laws Education Section 3637)
Jurisdiction: New York
Type: Laws and Regulations
Amended: Jun 30, 2013
Technologies: Idle Reduction
See all New York Laws and Incentives.