Transportation Electrification Study

The State Corporation Commission (Commission) must propose policies to govern public, investor-owned electric utility programs and accelerate widespread transportation electrification in Virginia. The Commission must evaluate:

  • Utility and public investments that complement private efforts to deploy electric vehicle (EV) chargers, focusing on low-income, minority, and rural communities;
  • Smart growth policies that can advance transportation electrification; and,
  • Utility actions that can facilitate EV charger deployment and transportation electrification.

The report must address how transportation electrification will impact ratepayers, grid management, renewable energy development, and vehicle charging costs. The Commission published the report in April 2022. Recommendations include requiring the two largest investor-owned electric utilities to develop transportation electrification plans, developing guidance or time-of-use rates, pursuing federal funding to support transportation electrification, and engaging medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicle stakeholders.

(Reference House Bill 2282, 2021)

Jurisdiction: Virginia

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Mar 24, 2021

Technologies: EVs, PHEVs

See all Virginia Laws and Incentives.