Idle Reduction Requirement

Diesel vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating over 10,000 pounds may not idle for more than five minutes in any continuous 60-minute period. Exemptions include: uncontrollable traffic conditions; prevention of safety or health emergencies; emergency or law enforcement purposes; verification that a vehicle is safe to operate; vehicle maintenance; power work-related operations; sampling, weighing, or loading; bus passenger comfort; vehicles actively engaged in solid waste or recyclable material collection; vehicles complying with manufacturer specifications; and vehicles meeting California Air Resources Board oxides of nitrogen idling emission standards.

(Reference Title 35 Pennsylvania Statutes, Chapter 23B, Section 4603)

Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Oct 9, 2008

Amended: May 1, 2010

Technologies: Idle Reduction

See all Pennsylvania Laws and Incentives.