About U-Finder

The Utility Finder (U-Finder) helps states, communities, and fleets identify active local utility partners supporting the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers, also called electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Primary U-Finder outputs include the utilities operating in the state or local geography, utility contacts, and incentives offered by those utilities.

Notes on Data Accuracy

  • Contact the utility for latest incentive information. Incentive structures and availability vary and are updated regularly.

  • Data is provided as it is made available, and additional incentives may be available. Contacts, utilities and incentives will be updated as information sources allow.

  • The primary source for utility territories is the "Electric Retail Service Territories" feature maintained by the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level Database (HIFLD).

  • Utility territories do not align perfectly with ZIP code or other geographic boundaries. Enter nearby ZIP codes to identify potential utility partners.

  • Funding availability includes rebates, incentives, make-ready, and utility installation programs.

  • Advisory programs are often included in funding programs.

  • Utility contact information, directories, and incentives have been provided by the following utility associations:

    • The American Public Power Association (APPA) represents publicly owned utilities.

      • There are roughly 2,000 public power utilities located in every state except Hawaii. Public power also includes joint action agencies, state associations, and regional associations, whose membership consists of public power utilities.
    • The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) association of investor owned utilities.

    • The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) of cooperative member owned utilities.

Additional Resources and Information


For questions about the U-Finder, contact the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation.

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