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City of South Sioux City

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Available EV Charger Funding


South Texas Electric Coop, Inc

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Available EV Charger Funding


Southeastern IL Elec Coop, Inc

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Available EV Charger Funding


South Vienna Corporation

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Available EV Charger Funding


Town of South Whitley - (IN)

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Available EV Charger Funding


Southeast Colorado Power Assn

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Available EV Charger Funding


Southeast Electric Coop, Inc

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Available EV Charger Funding


Southeastern Indiana R E M C

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Available EV Charger Funding


Southeastern Electric Coop Inc - (OK)

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Available EV Charger Funding


Southern California Edison Co

Known as Edison International

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Available EV Charger Funding
Government or Public | Commercial | Residential


Charge Ready Light Duty

The Charge Ready Light-Duty program (aka Charge Ready 2) is a continuation of Southern California Edison’s Charge Ready pilot. The program includes $417.5 million for charging infrastructure and $14.5 million for marketing, education, and outreach. The program will support over 30,000 electric vehicle charging ports in SCE's territory, with up to 22,200 Level 1/Level 2 charging ports and up to 15,000 new construction rebates for multi-unit dwellings. SCE will own and operate up to 2,500 charging ports at multi-unit dwellings within disadvantaged communities to make it easier for customers to participate by providing a turnkey solution. New Construction Rebates will provides an incentive of up to $3,500 per port for new construction multi-unit dwellings to install charging stations. Make-ready infrastructure and rebates for 205 DC fast charging ports will also be available pending CPUC approval. SCE will target 50 percent of the make-ready investment in disadvantaged communities and 30 percent in multi-unit dwellings. Participating customers must take part in a demand response program and accept time of use pricing.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Charge Ready Parks

Two-year pilot to install charging stations at state parks and state beaches with a focus on serving disadvantaged communities. The company proposes to support 120 Level 2 and 10 DCFC ports. The program will also offer a customer marketing campaign to increase awareness of EV charging stations and increase awareness about EV charing across California.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

California Clean Fuel Reward

Statewide point of sale rebate on the purchase or lease of a new EV.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential


SCE’s new Submeter billing option will soon allow our customers and other interested third parties to install a separate meter (submeter) to record the electricity their EV charging equipment uses and receive a separate bill

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Charge Ready Schools

Two-year pilot to install charging stations (with option for electric company to own and operate) at K-12 schools with a focus on disadvantaged communities. The company proposes to support 250 Level 2 ports at approximately 30 K-12 educational facilities. Rebates covering the charging station and some O&M costs will be provided if the site owner chooses to own charging stations. School locations will also be able to sign-up for an EV Awareness Campaign that provides grade-level-specific material, faculty EV education opportunities, and an EV economics curriculum.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Charge Ready Transport

SCE's Charge Ready Transport program provides $356.4 million in funding over a five-year period to support installation of EV charing equipment for medium- and heavy-duty EVs or non-road EVs for fleet applications at low or not cost to eligible program participants. The program provides make-ready infrastructure to qualifying commercial customers procuring or converting at least 2 medium- or heavy-duty EVs. It also provides equipment rebates for transit/school buses for eligible participants installing charging stations in disadvantaged communities. The program expects to provide make-ready installations for a minimum of 870 sites and to support electrification of at least 8,490 medium- and heavy-duty fleet vehicles. A minimum of 15 percent of the budget must serve transit agencies, 25 percent of the budget may go toward vehicles operating at ports and warehouses, and a maximum of 10 percent to serve forklifts. Sites located in disadvantaged communities or those that support public transit/school buses are eligible to have up to 50 percent of costs covered.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Pre-owned EV Rebate program

Rebate on the purchase or lease of a pre-owned EV. Funded by SCE's LCFS credit revenues.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Transportation Electrification Advisory Services

TE Advisory Services will provide customers with enhanced education tools and support to transition to transportation electrification. The TE Advisory Servics will offer: EV Readiness Studies: Grant Writing Assistance, Educational Webinars and Workshops; and Experiential Events.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Charge Ready Home

SCE's Charge Ready Home Program will offer rebates for the upgrade of residential electrical panels in low income and disadvantaged communities

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Zero Emission Truck, Bus, and Infrastrucutre Financing Program (ZETBIF)

Target of small and medium sized business customers to provide access to financing through the establishment of a loan-loss reserve (LLR) mechanism dedicated for commerical EV' s and supporting equipment

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Drayage Truck Rebate

Incentivize the purchase of new EV drayage trucks by addressing the upfront cost barrier, supporting accelration and maturation of the heavy-duty EV drayage truck market, and allowing limited Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) funds to be better allocated to other medium-and heavy-duty segments.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

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