Find EV Charger Utility Partners

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Morris Cogeneration LLC

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


Direct Energy Services

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


Champion Energy Services

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


Glacial Energy Holdings

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


Accent Energy Holdings, LLC

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


Freedom Energy

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


New York Industrial Energy Buyers, LLC

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


NOCO Electric

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


NSTAR Electric Company

Known as Eversource Energy: MA

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Available EV Charger Funding
Government or Public | Commercial | Residential


Phase 1 Electric Vehicle Charging Program

$55 million Make Ready program targeting L2 and DCFC installations at MUDs, public/destination locations, workplaces.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

EV Home Charger Demand Response Program

Rebates for connected L2 charger at residential locations and ongoing incentives for managed charging program participation.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Phase 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Program

$190 million Make Ready program including similar components to Phase 1 program, but including expanded EVSE rebates, fleet engagement advisory services, equity pilots, and a demand charge alternative rate solution.

Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential

Sempra Generation

Ownership: Other

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Available EV Charger Funding


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