Charging Forward, started in 2019 and was originally approved for ~$13M with three primary components: 1) Education & Outreach 2) Residential rebates for enrollment in a TOU rate and installation of Level 2 charger ($500) 3) Make-ready rebates for workplaces, MUD, and public places to install qualified L2 (1,250 ports) or DCFCs (140). Other components included a builder-ready rebate and a demand charge holiday on the D3 commercial rate
Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential
The Charging Forward Expansion, started in 2022 with over $18M in funding, expanded funding for the Charging Forward programs described in the Charging Forward line above, and added new pilots to DTE's EV programs: 1) Home Charger Installation, a program to install a charger at a residential customer's home and finance the installation and charger costs on the customer's monthly bill 2) Business Charger Installation, a program to install a charger at a site host's property, in which DTE will fund the installation and equipment cost (including customer make-ready and charger cost) for commercial customers installing public chargers, note that this program is only available for customers located in either disadvantaged communities, rural areas, affordable multi-unit dwellings, or municipality-owned parking spaces; 3) Charging Hubs, a program to install up to two DTE-owned charging depots of multiple high-powered DCFCs with spacing designed for medium- and heavy-duty EV use; and 4) EV Rebate, a program in which DTE will provide income-eligible (up to 400% of the federal poverty threshold) residential customers $1,500 after the purchase or lease of an EV; and 6) Emerging Tech Fund, a $900k fund that DTE can use to test new EV technologies.
Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential
The Demand Response program - DTE Smart Charge, started in 2019, it helps EV drivers manage their charging during times of the day that help the energy grid operate more efficiently. DTE Smart Charge will schedule daily charging to meet your charging needs and will occasionally shift charging to help optimize the energy grid. Customers receive a $50 gift card upon enrollment and if they continue their participation they receive an additional $50 at the conclusion of the program.
Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential
The next phase of DTE's EV Program received approval in late 2023 with over $18 million in funding approved. This pilot expanded funding for the Charging Forward and Charging Forward Expansion programs described above, and added a new pilot. This new pilot is School Bus Chargers, a program where DTE will fund the installation and pay for the cost of of a V2G charger, for owners of school buses looking to electrify.
Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential
Charging Forward eFleets (eFleets) started in 2021, and was approved for $13.4M. eFleets looks to educate business customers on benefits of electric fleets. Program is targeting a 600+ Make-ready installations for Level 2, and ~100 DCFCs, to support electrification of all vehicle classes of fleets. Advisory services team is setup to support fleet owners and operators with operational assessment, data analysis and recommendations for electrification balancing benefits and cost-effectiveness.
Eligibility: Commercial, Government or Public, Residential