Aug. 19, 2015
Minneapolis Makes EV-Charging History Record
We not only established a record ... through local media we spread the word to hundreds of thousands of people about the ease of EV ownership and range capability in the Twin Cities.
To raise awareness about the expansion of fast chargers in their metro area, Twin Cities Clean Cities Coalition (TC4) also opted for setting a Guinness World Record instead of a holding a simple event. The coalition and their partners and stakeholders organized the 24 Hour Electric Vehicle Charging Challenge, hosted by 36 Lyn Refuel Station in South Minneapolis. They invited local EV owners to help set the record by charging their vehicles between 2 p.m. on April 12 and 2 p.m. on April 13. Prize drawings and free food from local vendors were added incentives. A video camera recorded the charging sessions over the 24-hour period, and plans are to make a YouTube video from the footage. The event was coordinated by ZEF Energy, PlugInConnect, and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency with assistance from TC4.
The final count was 85 charging sessions, during which 440 kWh of electricity were dispensed. They expected to dispense more electricity, but the charge rate was limited due to a number of participants arriving with nearly full batteries. Nevertheless, a record was set in this new category, and the figures are being submitted to Guinness World Records. The verification process takes approximately 2-3 months.
"We not only established a record," TC4 Coordinator Lisa Thurstin said, "through local media we spread the word to hundreds of thousands of people about the ease of EV ownership and range capability in the Twin Cities."