July 2, 2019
Natural Gas Trains Make the Grade in Florida (Text Version)
This is a text version of the video segment Natural Gas Trains Make the Grade in Florida, which aired on July 2, 2019.
JOHN DAVIS: Our success story this week takes us for a ride along the railroad tracks near Jacksonville, Florida, where an alternative fuel is saving money and helping to keep the trains running on time. Liquefied natural gas is powering Florida East Coast Railway trains traveling to and from Miami. This alt fuel is replacing about 80% of the train’s diesel fuel. Working with the North Florida Clean Fuels Coalition, the railway is the first in North American to operate its entire freight train fleet on LNG.
JOE MCGOUGH: Generally speaking, it reduces our carbon output by 25% or more. It reduces our sulphur output by 40% or more.
JOHN DAVIS: Florida East Coast Railway expects LNG to eventually reduce operating costs by two million dollars a year. Switching to alt fuels continues the forward thinking legacy of railroad founder Henry Flagler, while preserving Florida’s sunny skies.