Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Tariff

Each public utility selling electricity for retail must file a tariff with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to allow a customer to purchase electricity solely for the purpose of charging a EV, neighborhood electric vehicle, or medium-speed electric vehicle. The tariff must:

  • Contain either a time-of-day or off-peak electricity rate;
  • Allow the customer to purchase electricity from the utility’s current mix of energy supply sources or from entirely renewable energy sources; and
  • Be available to the residential customer class.

The public utility will make the tariff available to customers within 60 days of PUC approval. At any time, the utility may make revisions to the tariff based on changing costs or conditions. Each public utility providing an EV charging tariff must report quarterly to the PUC on the number of customers who have participated in the tariff, the total amount of electricity sold under the tariff, and any other data the PUC requires.

(Reference Minnesota Statutes 216B.1614)

Jurisdiction: Minnesota

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: May 16, 2014

Technologies: EVs, PHEVs

See all Minnesota Laws and Incentives.