Heavy-Duty Truck Emission Reduction Grants - San Joaquin Valley
The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) administers the Truck Replacement Program, which provides funding for fleets to replace old vehicles with lower emitting vehicles or to purchase new zero emission, hybrid, or low oxides of nitrogen (NOx) vehicles. Funding is available for the following projects:
- Replacement of model year (MY) 2009 or older diesel trucks with new trucks that meet or exceed the 2010 NOx emissions standard; and,
- Replacement of MY 2010 – MY 2016 trucks with new zero emission, hybrid, or low-NOx trucks.
Incentive amounts vary by weight class and fuel type. Fleets may receive up to 80% of the vehicle cost for new diesel trucks. To qualify, eligible trucks for replacement must be garaged in the SJVAPCD and have operated at least 75% of the time in California and 50% of the time in the SJVAPCD for the previous two years. For more information, including application requirements, see the SJVAPCD Truck Replacement Program website.
Jurisdiction: California
Type: State Incentives
Technologies: EVs, HEVs, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Natural Gas, PHEVs, Propane (LPG)
See all California Laws and Incentives.