Emissions Reduction Requirements for Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)
Through the California Clean Miles Standard and Incentive Program (Program), the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will establish annual emissions reduction targets for TNCs, including goals for increasing the number of miles traveled using zero emission vehicles. CARB must adopt targets and goals for the Program by January 1, 2021, to be implemented beginning in 2023. By January 1, 2022, and every two years thereafter, each TNC must develop a greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan, including proposals on how the company will meet the Program’s requirements. A TNC is defined as an organization that provides prearranged transportation services for compensation using an online application or platform to connect passengers with drivers using a personal vehicle. For more information, see CARB’s Clean Miles Standard website.
(Reference California Health and Safety Code 44274.4 and California Public Utilities Code 5431 and 5450)
Jurisdiction: California
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: Sep 13, 2018
Technologies: Fuel Economy / Efficiency
See all California Laws and Incentives.