Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Assessment
The California State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (Commission), in partnership with the California Air Resources Board and the California Public Utility Commission, must publish a statewide assessment of the EV charging station infrastructure needed to support the levels of plug-in electric vehicle adoption required for at least five million zero emission vehicles to operate on California roads by 2030. The Commission must consider the EV charging station infrastructure needs for all vehicle categories, including on-road, off-road, port, and airport vehicles. In addition, the assessment must analyze the existing and future infrastructure needs across California, including in low-income communities. The assessment must be updated at least once every two years.
(Reference California Public Resources Code 25229)
Jurisdiction: California
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: Sep 13, 2018
Technologies: EVs, PHEVs
See all California Laws and Incentives.