Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Program

The AFIG Program provides financial assistance for innovative, advanced fuel and vehicle technology projects. Projects that result in product commercialization and the expansion of Pennsylvania companies are favored in the selection process. Eligible applicants include school districts, municipal authorities, political subdivisions, non-profits, corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships incorporated or registered in the Commonwealth. Projects must support:

  • Incremental cost expenses relative to retrofitting vehicles to operate on alternative fuels;
  • Incremental cost expenses to purchase alternative fuel vehicles;
  • The cost to purchase and install the necessary fleet- or home-refueling equipment for alternative fuel vehicles; or,
  • The cost to perform research, training, development and demonstration of new applications or next-phase technology related to alternative fuel vehicles.
Eligible applicants include school districts, municipal authorities, political subdivisions, non-profits, corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships incorporated or registered in the Commonwealth. Priority will be given to businesses located in Pennsylvania; zero emission vehicle projects; light- and medium-duty fleet refueling infrastructure projects; renewable natural gas and infrastructure projects; projects located in environmental justice areas; and minority-, veteran-, or woman-owned businesses. For more information, including forms and detailed requirements and restrictions, see the AFIG Program website.

(Reference Title 73 Pennsylvania Statutes, Chapter 18E, Section 1647.3)

Points of Contact
Joshua Dziubek
Energy Program Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Energy Programs Office
Phone: (717) 705-0374

Michelle Ferguson
Energy Program Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Energy Programs Office
Phone: (570) 327-3783

Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania

Type: State Incentives

Enacted: Jan 1, 1992

Amended: Jul 10, 2008

Technologies: Aftermarket Conversions, Biodiesel, Ethanol, EVs, HEVs, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Natural Gas, PHEVs, Propane (LPG)

See all Pennsylvania Laws and Incentives.