Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Use and Cost Recovery Authorization
The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada must adopt regulations authorizing a public utility that purchases natural gas for resale to engage in RNG activities and to recover reasonable costs associated with RNG activities that provide certain environmental benefits. RNG activities include but are not limited to, investing in or building and operating an RNG facility, extending the transmission or distribution system of a public utility, or purchasing RNG. Additionally, a public utility which purchases natural gas for resale must attempt to incorporate RNG into its gas supply portfolio. Additional terms and conditions apply. RNG is defined as processed biogas that meets quality standards to be injected into the natural gas pipeline.
(Reference Nevada Revised Statutes 704.9995 through 704.9997)
Jurisdiction: Nevada
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: May 14, 2019
Technologies: Natural Gas
See all Nevada Laws and Incentives.