Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Operation Requirements
An AV may be operated without a driver physically present in the vehicle if a law enforcement interaction plan is submitted to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and the Department of Public Safety. Additionally, a written statement must be submitted to ADOT acknowledging the AV meets the following requirements:
- It is in compliance with applicable federal laws and federal motor vehicle safety standards;
- It can achieve a minimal risk condition if the vehicle is unable to perform an intended task or exists its operational design domain;
- It is in compliance with applicable state traffic and motor safety laws;
- It meets all applicable certificate of title, registration, licensing, and insurance requirements.
An AV is defined as a motor vehicle that is equipped with the hardware and software that is collectively capable of performing the entire dynamic driving task on a sustained basis.
(Reference Arizona Revised Statutes 28-9701 and 28-9702)
Jurisdiction: Arizona
Type: Laws and Regulations
Technologies: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
See all Arizona Laws and Incentives.