Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Multifamily Housing (MFH) Pilot Program

The Vermont Agency of Transportation must establish and administer, through a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), a pilot program to support the installation of EV chargers at MFH and affordable housing units. The DHCD must consult with other state agencies regarding the design, award of funding, and administration of this pilot program. The DHCD published a report on the outcomes of the pilot program on January 15, 2022. Additional terms and conditions apply. For more information, see the Multiunit Dwelling EV Charging Grant website.

(Reference Act 55, 2021)

Jurisdiction: Vermont

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Jun 3, 2021

Technologies: EVs, PHEVs

See all Vermont Laws and Incentives.