Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) established a carbon reduction formula program for states to reduce transportation emissions. Eligible state funding activities include truck stop electrification, diesel engine retrofits, vehicle-to-infrastructure communications equipment, public transportation, port electrification, and deployment of alternative fuel vehicles, including charging or fueling infrastructure and the purchase or lease of zero emission vehicles. At the request of a state, DOT must provide technical assistance in the development of the carbon reduction strategy. State carbon reduction strategies must be updated at least once every four years. State projects are treated as Federal-aid Highway Program projects. Additional funding eligibility and considerations will apply. For more information, see the DOT CRP.

(Reference Public Law 117-58 and 23 U.S. Code 175)

Jurisdiction: Federal

Type: Incentives

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation

Enacted: Nov 15, 2021

Technologies: Aftermarket Conversions, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, EVs, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, PHEVs

See all Federal Laws and Incentives.