Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Requirement

New Jersey has adopted the California Advanced Clean Trucks requirements specified in Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations, requiring manufacturers to meet California’s ZEV production and sales requirements. Beginning with model year 2025, manufacturers will be required to sell zero-emission trucks as an increasing percentage of their annual sales for Class 2b through Class 8 vehicles in New Jersey. ZEVs include all-electric and fuel cell electric vehicles. Emergency vehicles and military tactical vehicles may be exempt. For more information, see the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Advanced Clean Trucks Program and Fleet Reporting Requirements.

(Reference New Jersey Administrative Code 7:27-31, 33 and 7:27A-3.10)

Jurisdiction: New Jersey

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Dec 20, 2021

Technologies: EVs, Hydrogen Fuel Cells

See all New Jersey Laws and Incentives.