Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) Promotion and Vehicle Registry
Archived: 09/01/2014
The Office of the Illinois Secretary of State must create a database of registered FFVs. The information in this database should include the zip code, vehicle make and model, and vehicle identification number of each FFV, and have the ability to sort by the number of vehicles per zip code. The database must be made available to the public in both print and electronic formats. Additionally, through June 30, 2014, the Office of the Secretary of State must notify owners of vehicles designed to carry 10 or fewer passengers via mail that many motor vehicles are capable of using E85. (Reference 415 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120/22 and 120/24)
Jurisdiction: Illinois
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: Aug 12, 2004
Amended: Aug 14, 2009
Technologies: Ethanol
See all Illinois Laws and Incentives.