Alternative Fuel and Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Fund

The North Carolina State Energy Office administers the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) Credit Banking and Selling Program, which enables the state to generate funds from the sale of EPAct 1992 credits. The funds that EPAct credit sales generate are deposited into the Alternative Fuel Revolving Fund (Fund) for state agencies to offset the incremental costs of purchasing biodiesel blends of at least 20% (B20) or ethanol blends of at least 85% (E85), developing alternative fueling infrastructure, and purchasing AFVs and hybrid electric vehicles. Funds are distributed to state departments, institutions, and agencies in proportion to the number of EPAct credits generated by each. For the purposes of this program, alternative fuels include 100% biodiesel (B100), biodiesel blends of at least B20, ethanol blends of at least E85, compressed natural gas, propane, and electricity. The Fund also covers additional projects approved by the Energy Policy Council.

(Reference North Carolina General Statutes 143-58.4, 143-58.5, 143-341(8)i, and 136-28.13)

Jurisdiction: North Carolina

Type: State Incentives

Enacted: Sep 20, 2005

Amended: Jun 30, 2009

Technologies: Biodiesel, Ethanol, EVs, HEVs, Natural Gas, PHEVs, Propane (LPG)

See all North Carolina Laws and Incentives.