Biodiesel Production Tax Credits
Expired: 06/01/2007
For tax years beginning after December 31, 2005, there are business or personal income tax credits of a) $0.20 for each gallon of biodiesel motor fuel produced mostly from soybean oil and sold, and b) $0.30 for each gallon of biodiesel motor fuel a majority of which is produced from feedstock other than soybean oil and sold, up to a maximum of three million gallons per year from each facility, for a maximum of five years for each facility. Credits are available for not more than one facility in each county in any calendar year, with priority given to the first facility in a county that produces biodiesel motor fuel using soybean oil as the feedstock. Credits are available to individuals or businesses without regard to a per county limitation. These credits may be carried forward for up to three years. Payments must be made upon compliance with verification procedures set forth by the Department of Agriculture. (Reference House Bill 4810, 2006)
Jurisdiction: South Carolina
Type: State Incentives
Technologies: Biodiesel
See all South Carolina Laws and Incentives.