Emissions Reductions Grants

The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Program) provides incentives to cover the incremental cost of purchasing engines and equipment that are cleaner than required by law. Eligible projects include heavy-duty fleet modernization, light-duty vehicle replacements and retrofits, idle reduction technology, off-road vehicle and equipment purchases, and alternative fuel and electric vehicle infrastructure projects. The Program provides funds for significant near-term reductions in nitrogen oxide emissions, reactive organic gases, and particulate matter emissions. Funding is available until January 1, 2024. The California Air Resources Board, in consultation with local air districts, must convene working groups to evaluate the Program’s policies and goals.

Contact local air districts and see the program website for more information about grant funding availability and distribution.

(Reference California Health and Safety Code 44275-44299.2)

Point of Contact
Moyer Help
California Air Resources Board

Jurisdiction: California

Type: State Incentives

Amended: Oct 8, 2015

Technologies: Aftermarket Conversions, Idle Reduction, Other

See all California Laws and Incentives.