Low-Speed Vehicle Access to Roadways

A low-speed vehicle, including a neighborhood electric vehicle, is defined as any four-wheeled vehicle that is capable of operating at a speed of at least 20 miles per hour (mph), but not greater than 25 mph. A ow-speed vehicle can be operated only on roads where the speed limit is 35 mph. Low-speed vehicle operators must comply with the safety standards in Title 49 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, section 571.500, and Florida Statutes 316.2122, and license the vehicle as required under state guidelines. Seasonal delivery personnel may only use low-speed vehicles during certain yearly timeframes. Additional safety standards and conditions apply.

(Reference Florida Statutes 316.2122, 316.2126, 320.01, and 320.0847)

Jurisdiction: Florida

Type: Laws and Regulations

Amended: Apr 27, 2012

Technologies: NEVs

See all Florida Laws and Incentives.