State Transportation Plan
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) must publish a California Transportation Plan (Plan) every five years, beginning December 31, 2015. The Plan must address how the state will achieve maximum feasible emissions reductions, taking into consideration the use of alternative fuels, new vehicle technology, and tailpipe emissions reductions. Caltrans must consult and coordinate with related state agencies, air quality management districts, public transit operators, and regional transportation planning agencies. Caltrans must also provide an opportunity for public input. Caltrans must submit a final draft of the Plan to the legislature and governor. A copy of the 2020 report is available on the Caltrans website. Caltrans must also review the Plan and prepare a report for the legislature and governor that includes actionable, programmatic transportation system improvement recommendations every five years.
(Reference California Government Code 65070-65073)
Jurisdiction: California
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: Oct 11, 2009
Technologies: Biodiesel, Ethanol, EVs, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Natural Gas, PHEVs, Propane (LPG)
See all California Laws and Incentives.