Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Access to Tunnels
An AFV powered by propane or compressed natural gas may not use Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) tunnels nor the lower level of the George Washington Bridge.
An AFV powered by propane or natural gas may only use the Brigantine Connector Tunnel if the vehicle has a dedicated alternate fuel system installed by the manufacturer of the vehicle or a fuel system that has been properly converted to an alternate fuel system, conforms to applicable federal regulations and industry standards, has a fuel capacity that does not exceed 100 gasoline gallon equivalents, and displays all proper markings and symbols.
For more information, see the PANYNJ Trucker’s Resources website and the South Jersey Transportation Authority Rules and Regulations website.
(Reference New Jersey Administrative Code 19:2-4.3)
Jurisdiction: New Jersey
Type: Laws and Regulations
Technologies: Natural Gas, Propane (LPG)
See all New Jersey Laws and Incentives.