Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool Assumptions and Methodology
The Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool is a tool to help your vehicle fleet evaluate different methods for reducing petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For more information about the methodology, assumptions, and calculations used for each of the savings methods see the sections below:
- Replace Vehicles
- Use Alternative Fuel in Existing Vehicles
- Reduce Idling
- Reduce Mileage
- Drive Efficiently
Replace Vehicles
Replacing older vehicles with more fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles can reduce fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions. See the explanations of the data and calculations below for replacing vehicles with new vehicles.
Substituting Fuel Type and Fuel Economy (with standard Powertrain)
The following values and variables are used when replacing a vehicle with a new vehicle that uses a new fuel type, has a new fuel economy (MPG), and a standard powertrain.
Value | Variable | Description |
Number of Vehicles | Veh | Enter the number of vehicles that will use the alternative fuel. |
Type of Vehicle | --- | Choose the vehicle type from the selections based on type and size. |
Fuel Economy (MPG) | MPG MPG_new |
Estimate the fuel economy for the vehicle(s). You may estimate the fuel economy (MPG) for each vehicle make and model using conventional fuel (gasoline or diesel) from your records. You can look up published fuel economy data for most vehicles available from Default values based on vehicle type are available in Table 2. Because the default values are based on national averages, they may vary significantly from your experience. It is strongly recommended that you use your own data when available. Determine the published fuel economy of your replacement vehicle from If you do not know the type of vehicle you have you may use a default value, based on vehicle type in Table 2. |
Miles traveled per year per vehicle | VMT | Estimate the number of miles that each vehicle will accumulate on average annually. If you do not have access to this data, default values are available in Table 4. |
Powertrain | --- | Standard |
Alt Fuel Used (%) | Alt_fraction | Estimate the amount of time the new vehicle will use an alternative fuel. This value will be 100 for a vehicle that uses a single dedicated type of fuel; this value could be significantly lower for a vehicle capable of running an alternative or conventional fuel (for example, E85 flex fuel vehicle). |
Value | Variable | Description |
GGE conversion factors | Conventional_GGE_factor Alt_GGE_factor_conv Alt_GGE_factor |
LHVfuel /LHVgasoline for the old vehicle New vehicle using the conventional fuel New vehicle using alternative fuel. Values found in Table 1. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor | GHG_conventional GHG_alt_conv GHG_alt |
Old vehicle using its conventional fuel New vehicle using conventional fuel New vehicle using alternative fuel. Values found in Table 1. |
Fuel Cost | Fuel_cost_current Fuel_cost_alt_new Fuel_cost_alt |
Fuel cost for old vehicle. Fuel cost for new vehicle using conventional vehicle Fuel cost for new vehicle using alternative fuel. Note: If the old vehicle is gasoline and the new vehicle is an E85 flex fuel vehicle and operates a portion of the time on gasoline then Fuel_cost_current = Fuel_cost_alt_new. Values found in Table 6. |
Gallons of conventional fuel used
Base_fuel_used = (Veh*VMT)/MPGGallons of conventional fuel used by new vehicle
New_veh_used = (Veh*VMT)/MPG_newGallons of alternative fuel used by new vehicle
Alt_fuel_used_new=New_veh_used*Alt_fractionGallons of gasoline equivalent of conventional fuel saved
GGE_savings = (Base_fuel_used*Conventional_GGE_factor) - [(New_veh_used-Alt_fuel_used_new) + (Alt_fuel_used_new*(Alt_GGE_factor_conv/Alt_GGE_factor)*Blend_frac)]*Alt_GGE_factor_convAmount of Greenhouse Gases reduced by fuel substitution
GHG_reduction = (Base_fuel_used*GHG_conventional*Conventional_GGE_factor) - [(New_veh_used*(1-Alt_fraction)*Alt_GGE_factor_conv)*GHG_alt_conv + (Alt_fuel_used_new*(Alt_GGE_factor_conv/Alt_GGE_factor)*Alt_GGE_factor*GHG_alt)]Yearly fuel cost savings resulting from fuel and vehicle substitution
Cost = (Base_fuel_used*Fuel_cost_current) - [(New_veh_used*(1-Alt_fraction)*Fuel_cost_alt_new + (Alt_Fuel_used_new*(Alt_GGE_factor_conv/Alt_GGE_factor)*Fuel_cost_alt)]
Example #1: Replace a midsize gasoline vehicle with a compact diesel using B20 50% of the time.
Veh = 1
MPG = 24.9 MPG
VMT (mi) = 12,427 mi
Alt_GGE_factor_conv = 1.124 GGE/gal diesel
GHG_conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_alt_new = 21.7 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_alt_new = 3.86 $/gal
Blend_frac = 0.8
Alt_fraction = 0.5
MPG_new = 36 MPG
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/ gal gas
Alt_GGE_factor = 1.107 GGE/gal B20
GHG_Alt_conv = 25.4 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_conventional = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_alt = 3.95 $/gal
Base_fuel_used = (1)(12,427)/(24.9) = 499.1 GGE gasoline
New_veh_used = (1)(12,427)/36 = 345.2 gallons conventional diesel fuel used by new vehicle
Alt_fuel_used_new = (345.2)(0.5) = 172.6 gallons of diesel
GGE_savings = (499.1)(1.0) - [(345.2-172.6)+(172.6)(1.124/1.107) (0.8)] (1.124) = 147.5 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (499.1)(1.0)(24.8) - [(345.2)(1-0.5)(1.124)(25.4)+((172.6)(1.124/1.107)(1.107)(21.7)] = 3240.2 lbs GHG reduced
Cost = (499.1) (3.46)-[(345.2)(1-0.5)(3.86)+(172.6) (1.124/1.107)(3.95)] = 368.41 $/yr saved
Substituting Fuel Type and Fuel Economy (with new Powertrain)
The following values and variables are used when replacing a vehicle with a new vehicle that uses a new fuel type, has a new fuel economy (MPG), and a new powertrain.
Value | Variable | Description |
Number of Vehicles | Veh | Enter the number of vehicles that will use the alternative fuel (Veh). |
Type of vehicle | --- | Choose the vehicle type from the selections based on type and size. |
Fuel economy | MPG MPG_cs MPG_cd |
Estimate the fuel economy for the vehicle(s). You may estimate the fuel economy for each vehicle make and model using conventional fuel (gasoline or diesel) from your records. You can look up published fuel economy data for most vehicles available from Default values based on vehicle type are available in Table 2 (MPG). Because the default values are based on national averages, they may vary significantly from your experience. It is strongly recommended that you use your own data when available. Determine the published fuel economy of your replacement vehicle from Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) will have a single fuel economy number (in miles per gallon). All-electric vehicles (EVs) will have a single fuel economy number (in kWh/100 mi). Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) will typically have two fuel economy numbers reported for the charge sustaining mode (in miles per gallon denoted by MPG_cs) and for the charge depleting mode (in kWh/100 mi denoted by MPG_cd). If the fuel economy data for your replacement vehicle is unavailable you may use a default value, based on vehicle type from Table 3. Note: The default values in Table 3 are modeled values based on NREL's Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim). FASTSim predicts energy consumption of advanced powertrains over a wide range of vehicle classifications. Because the default values are based on modeled predictions, they may vary significantly; please refer to the notes at the end of this section. It is strongly recommended that you use your own data or data from data when available. |
Miles traveled per year per vehicle | VMT | Estimate the number of miles that each vehicle will accumulate on average annually. If you do not have access to this data, default values are available in Table 4. |
Alt fuel use (%) | Alt_fraction | Estimate the amount of time the new vehicle will use an alternative fuel. This value will be 100 for a vehicle that uses a single dedicated type of fuel; this value could be significantly lower for a vehicle capable of running an alternative or conventional fuel (for example, E85 flex fuel vehicle). |
Value | Variable | Description |
GGE conversion factors | Conventional_GGE_factor New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel New_GGE_factor_elec |
LHVfuel/LHVgasoline for the old vehicle New vehicle using the conventional fuel New vehicle using alternative fuel. New vehicle using electricity. Values found in Table 1. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor | GHG_conventional GHG_new_conv_fuel GHG_new_alt_fuel GHG_new_elec |
Old vehicle using its conventional fuel New vehicle using conventional fuel New vehicle using alternative fuel. New vehicle using electricity. Values found in Table 1. |
Fuel Cost | Fuel_cost_current Fuel_cost_new_conv Fuel_cost_new_alt Fuel_cost_new_elec |
Fuel cost for old vehicle. Fuel cost for new vehicle using conventional vehicle Fuel cost for new vehicle using alternative fuel. Fuel cost for new vehicle using electricity. Values found in Table 6. |
Fleet Utility Factor | FUF | The Fleet Utility Factor is used from Table 3 based on the particular type of vehicle you chose. The utility factor is described in SAE J2481 and defines the fraction of driving in each of the fundamental modes, charge sustaining and charge depleting, based on the vehicles all electric or charge depleting range. |
Calculations for Replacing a Vehicle with New Powertrain
Gallons of conventional fuel used by base vehicle
Base_fuel_used = (Veh*VMT)/MPGGallons of primary fuel required for the new vehicle
PHEV_combined_fuel_use = (Veh*VMT*(1 - FUF))/MPG_csGallons of alternative fuel used by the new vehicle
Alt_fuel_used_PHEV = PHEV_combined_fuel_use*Alt_fractionGGE of electricity required by the new vehicle
PHEV_elec_fuel_used = Veh*VMT*FUF*New_GGE_factor_elec*(MPG_cd/100)Gallons of gasoline equivalent of conventional fuel saved
GGE_savings = (Base_fuel_used*Conventional_GGE_factor) - [(PHEV_combined_fuel_use* (1 - Alt_fraction)* New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel) + (Alt_fuel_used_PHEV*(New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel/New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel) *New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel*Blend_frac)]Amount of greenhouse gases reduced by fuel substitution
GHG_reduction = (Base_fuel_used*Conventional_GGE_factor*GHG_conventional) - ((PHEV_combined_fuel_use*(1- Alt_fractiontion)*New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel)GHG_new_conv_fuel) - ((Alt_fuel_used_PHEV*(New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel/New_GGE_factor_alt_fue)*New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel)*GHG_new_alt_fuel) - (PHEV_elec_fuel_used* GHG_new_elec)Yearly fuel cost savings resulting from fuel and vehicle substitution
Cost = (Base_fuel_used *Fuel_cost_current) - [( PHEV_combined_fuel_use*(1 - Alt_fractiontion))*Fuel_cost_new_conv) - (Alt_fuel_used_PHEV*(New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel/New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel)*Fuel_cost_new_alt) - ((PHEV_elec_fuel_used/New_GGE_Factor_elec)*Fuel_cost_new_elec)]
Example #2: Replace a midsize sedan (24.9 MPG) with a PHEV40 (36 MPG/36 kWh/100mi) powertrain, both use conventional gasoline.
Veh = 1
Alt_fraction = 0
MPG_cs = 36 MPG
FUF = 0.617
New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
New GGE_factor_elec = 0.0296 GGE/kWh
GHG_new_conv_fuel= 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_new_elec = 56.2 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_new_conv = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_elec = 0.0983 $/kWh
VMT (mi) = 12,427 mi
MPG = 24.9 MPG
MPG_cd =36 kWh/100 mi
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel = 0.727 GGE/gal E85
GHG_conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_new_alt_fuel = 20.9 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_current = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_alt = 3.14 $/gal
Blend_frac = 0.19
Base_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)/(24.9) = 499.1 Gallons of conventional fuel used by baseline vehicle
PHEV_combined_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)(1-0.617)/(36) = 132.2 Gallons of conventional fuel used by PHEV
Alt_fuel_used_PHEV = (132.6)(0) = 0 gallons of alternative fuel used
PHEV_elec_used = (1)(12,427)(0.617)(0.0296)(36/100) = 81.7 GGE of electricity used by PHEV
GGE_savings = (499.1)(1.0) - [(132.2)(1-0)(1.0) + (0)(1.0/0.727) (0.727) (0.19) ] = 366.9 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (499.1)(1.0)(24.8) - (132.2)(1-0)(1.0)(24.8) - (0)(1.0/0.727) (0.727)(20.9) - (81.7)(56.2) = 4507.6 lbs GHG reduced
Cost = (499.1)(3.46)- [ (132.2)(1-0))(3.46) + (0)(1.0/0.727)(3.14) + (81.7/0.0296)*0.0983)] = 998.15 $/yr saved
Example #3: Replace a mid-size gasoline vehicle (24.9 MPG) with a PHEV40 (36 MPG/36 kWh/100mi). PHEV uses E85 50% of the time.
Veh = 1
Alt_fraction = 0.5
MPG_cs = 36 MPG
FUF = 0.617
New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
New GGE_factor_elec = 0.0296 GGE/kWh
GHG_new_conv_fuel= 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_new_elec = 55.8 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_new_conv = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_elec = 0.0983 $/kWh
VMT (mi) = 12,427 mi
MPG = 24.9 MPG
MPG_cd =36 kWh/100 mi
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel = 0.727 GGE/gal E85
GHG_conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_new_alt_fuel = 20.9 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_current = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_alt = 3.14 $/gal
Blend_frac = 0.19
Base_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)/(24.9) = 499.1 Gallons of conventional fuel used by baseline vehicle
PHEV_combined_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)(1-0.617)/(36)= 132.2 Gallons of conventional fuel used by PHEV
Alt_fuel_used_PHEV = 132.6)(0.5) = 66.1 Gallons of alternative fuel used by PHEV
PHEV_elec_used = (1)(12,427)(0.617)(0.0296)(36/100) = 81.7 GGE of electricity used by PHEV
GGE_savings = (499.1)(1.0) - (132.2)(1 - 0.5)(1.0) - (66.1)(1.0/0.727) (0.727) (0.19) = 384.9 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (499.1)(24.8) - ((132.2)(1 - 0.5)(1.0))(24.8) - (66.1)(1.0/0.727)(0.727)(20.9) - (81.7)(56.2)
= 4.765.4 lbs GHG reduced
Cost = ((499.1)(3.46) - ([132.2)(1-0.5)(3.46) + (66.1)(1.0/0.727)(3.14)+ (81.7/0.0296)*0.0983)] = 941.36 $/yr saved
Example #4: Replace 1 midsize gasoline sedan (24.9 MPG) with 1 EV (36 kWh/100mi).
Veh = 1
Alt_fraction = 1.0
MPG_cs = 0 MPG
FUF = 1.0
New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel = 0.0 GGE/gal gas
New GGE_factor_elec = 0.0296 GGE/kWh
GHG_new_conv_fuel= 0 lb/GGE
GHG_new_elec = 55.8 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_new_conv = 0.0 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_elec = 0.0983 $/kWh
VMT (mi) = 12,427 mi
MPG = 24.9 MPG
MPG_cd =36 kWh/100 mi
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel = 0.0 GGE/gal E85
GHG_conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_new_alt_fuel = 0.0 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_current = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_alt = 0.0 $/gal
Blend_frac = 0.0
Base_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)/(24.9) = 499.1 GGE conventional fuel used by baseline vehicle
PHEV_combined_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)(1-1.0)/(36)= 0.0 gallons conventional fuel used by PHEV
Alt_fuel_used_PHEV = (0)(1.0) = 0.0 gallons of alternative fuel used
PHEV_elec_used = (1)(12,427)(1.0)(0.0296)(36/100) = 132.4 GGE of electricity used by PHEV
GGE_savings = (499.1)(1.0) - (0.0)(1 - 1.0)(1.0) - (0.0)(1.0/0.0)(0.0)(0.0) = 499.1 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (499.1)(1.0)(24.8) - ((0.0)(1-1.0)(1.0))(24.8) - (0.0)(1.0/0.0)(0.0)(20.9) - (132.4)(56.2)
= 4,936.8 lbs GHG reduced
Cost = (499.1)(3.46) - ([132.2)(1-0.5)(3.46) + (66.1)(1.0/0.727)(3.14)+ (81.7/0.0296)*0.0983)] = 941.36 $/yr saved
Example #5: Replace 1 midsize gasoline sedan (24.9 MPG) with 1 compact HEV (42 MPG).
Veh = 1
Alt_fraction = 0.0
MPG_cs = 42 MPG
FUF = 0.0
New_GGE_factor_conv_fuel = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
New GGE_factor_elec = 0.0 GGE/kWh
GHG_new_conv_fuel= 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_new_elec = 0.0 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_new_conv = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_elec = 0.0 $/kWh
VMT (mi) = 12,427 mi
MPG = 24.9 MPG
MPG_cd =0.0 kWh/100 mi
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
New_GGE_factor_alt_fuel = 0.0 GGE/gal E85
GHG_conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_new_alt_fuel = 0.0 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_current = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_new_alt = 0.0 $/gal
Blend_frac = 0.0
Base_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)/(24.9) = 499.1 Gallons conventional fuel used by baseline vehicle
PHEV_combined_fuel_use = (1)(12,427)(1- 0.0)/(42)= 295.9 Gallons conventional fuel used by PHEV
Alt_fuel_used_PHEV = (295.9)(0) = 0.0 Gallons of alternative fuel used
PHEV_elec_used = (1)(12,427)(0)(0.0)(0/100) = 0.0 GGE of electricity used by PHEV
GGE_savings = (499.1)(1.0) - (295.9)(1 - 0.0)(1.0) - (0.0)(1.0/0.0)(0.0)(0.0) = 203.2 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (499.1)(1.0)(24.8) - ((295.9)(1-1.0)(1.0))(24.8) - (0.0)(1.0/0.0)(0.0)(0.0) - (0)(0)
= 5039.4 lbs GHG reduced
Cost = (499.1)(3.46)- [(295.9)(1-0.0)(3.46) + (0)(1.0/0.0)(0.0)+ (0.0/0.0)*0.0)] = 703.07 $/yr saved
Use Alternative Fuel in Existing Vehicles
Several alternative fuels may be used to displace petroleum. The following section outlines the methodology for calculating petroleum reduction using alternative fuels in existing vehicles.
Value | Variable | Description |
Number of Vehicles | Veh | Enter the number of vehicles that will use the alternative fuel (Veh). |
Type of vehicle | --- | Choose the vehicle type from the selections based on type and size. |
Fuel economy | MPG | Estimate the fuel economy for the vehicle(s). You may estimate the fuel economy for each vehicle make and model using conventional fuel (gasoline or diesel) from your records. You can look up published fuel economy data for most vehicles available from Default values based on vehicle type are available in Table 2. Because the default values are based on national averages, they may vary significantly from your experience. It is strongly recommended that you use your own data when available. |
Miles traveled per year per vehicle | VMT | Estimate the number of miles that each vehicle will accumulate on average annually. If you do not have access to this data, default values are available in Table 4. |
Alt fuel use (%) | Alt_fraction | Estimate the amount of time the vehicle will use the alternative fuel. This value will be 100 for a vehicle that uses a single dedicated type of fuel. This value could be significantly lower for a vehicle capable of running an alternative or conventional fuel (e.g. E85 flex fuel vehicles). |
Value | Variable | Description |
GGE conversion factors | Conventional_GGE_factor | LHVfuel/LHVgasoline for the old vehicle Values found in Table 1. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor | GHG_conventional GHG_alt_conv GHG_alt |
Vehicle using its conventional fuel Vehicle using conventional fuel Vehicle using alternative fuel Values found in Table 1. |
Fuel Cost | Fuel_cost_current Fuel_cost_alt_new Fuel_cost_alt |
Fuel cost for old vehicle. Fuel cost for new vehicle using conventional vehicle Fuel cost for new vehicle using alternative fuel. Note: If the old vehicle is gasoline and the new vehicle is an E85 flex fuel vehicle and operates a portion of the time on gasoline then Fuel_cost_current = Fuel_cost_alt_new. Values found in Table 6. |
Gallons of baseline fuel used
Base_fuel_used = (Veh*VMT)/MPGGallons of Alternative fuel used in alternative fueled vehicle
Alt_fuel_used =Base_fuel_used*Alt_fractionGallons of base fuel used in alternative fueled vehicle
Fuel_used =Base_fuel_used*(1-Alt_fraction)Gallons of gasoline equivalent reduced
GGE_saved = Alt_fuel_used*Alt_GGE_factor_conv) - [(Alt_fuel_used*(Alt_GGE_factor_conv/Alt_GGE_factor)* (Alt_GGE_factor_conv)*Blend_frac)]*Alt_GGE_factor_convAmount of Greenhouse Gases reduced by fuel substitution
GHG_reduction = (Base_fuel_used*Conventional_GGE_factor*GHG_conventional) - [(Fuel_used*Alt_GGE_factor_conv*GHG_alt_conv) + (Alt_fuel_used*(Alt_GGE_factor_conv/Alt_GGE_factor)*Alt_GGE_factor*GHG_alt)]Amount of cost savings realized by fuel substitution
Cost = (Base_fuel_used*Fuel_cost_current) - [(fuel_used*Fuel_cost_alt_new) + (Alt_fuel_used*(Alt_GGE_factor_conv/Alt_GGE_factor)*fuel_cost_alt)]
Example #1: Use E85 in 3 midsize sedans 50% of the time.
Veh = 3
Alt_fraction = 0.5
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
Alt_GGE_factor_conv = 1.0 GGE/gal gas
GHG_Conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_current = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_alt_new = 3.46 $/gal
VMT (mi) = 12,427 mi
MPG = 28 MPG
Alt_GGE_factor = 0.727 GGE/gal E85
GHG_alt_conv = 24.8 lb/GGE
GHG_Alt_conv = 25.4 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_conventional = 3.46 $/gal
Fuel_cost_alt = 3.14 $/gal
Base_fuel_used = (3) (12,427)/28 = 1331.5 GGE (gallons of gasoline)
Alt_fuel_used = (1331.5) (0.5) = 665.7 gallons of alternative fuel
Fuel_used = (1331.5)(1-0.5) = 665.7 gallons of conventional fuel used
GGE_saved = (665.7)(1.0) - [(665.7)(1/0.727)(0.19) (1.0)] = 491.7 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (1331.1) (1.0) (24.8) - [(665.7) (1.0) (24.8) + (665.7) (1.0/0.727) (0.727) (20.9)] = 2588.9 Lbs GHG
Cost = (1331.1) (3.46) - [(665.7) (3.46) + (665.7) (1/0.727) (3.14)] = -572.95 $/yr (additional cost)
Example #2: Use B20 in 4 heavy-duty trucks 30% of the time.
Veh = 4
Alt_fraction = 0.3
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.124 GGE/gal diesel
Alt_GGE_factor = 1.107 GGE/gal B20
GHG_alt = 21.7 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_current = 3.86 $/gal
Fuel_cost_alt_conv = 3.86 $/gal
VMT (mi) = 7,760 mi
MPG = 5.8 MPG
Alt_GGE_factor_conv = 1.124 GGE/gal diesel
GHG_Conventional = 25.4 lb/GGE
GHG_alt_conv = 25.4 lb/GGE
Fuel_cost_alt = 3.95 $/gal
Blend_frac = 0.8
Base_fuel_used = (4)(7,760)/5.8 = 5351.7 gallons of diesel
Alt_fuel_used = (5351.7) (0.3) = 1605.5 gallons of alternative fuel
Fuel_used = (5351.7)(1-0.7) = 3746.2 gallons of conventional fuel used
GGE_saved = (1605.5) (1.124) - [(1605.5)(1.124/1.107)(0.8) (1.124)] = 338.7 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (5351.7) (1.124) (25.4) - [(3746.2) (1.124) (25.4) + (1605.5) (1.124/1.107) (1.107) (21.7)]
= 6,676.9 Lbs GHG
Cost = (5351.7) (3.86) - [(3746.2) (3.86) + (1605.5) (1.124/1.107) (3.95)] = -241.11 $/yr (additional cost)
Idle Time Reduction
Idle time reduction refers to times when a vehicle is turned off instead of left idling. Idle time reduction strategies can be as simple as stopping the vehicles engine at stop lights or while parked during a delivery. Idle reduction strategies may also encompass methodologies such as truck stop electrification, where the driver plugs his vehicle in to power necessary systems rather than idling, or using on-board auxiliary power units. The following section outlines the methodology for calculating petroleum reduction using idle reduction.
Value | Variable | Description |
Number of Vehicles | Veh | Enter the number of vehicles that will use the alternative fuel (Veh). |
Type of vehicle | --- | Choose the vehicle type from the selections based on type and size. |
Idling time (hrs/day) | OIT NIT |
Estimate the time the vehicle(s) spend idling in hours each day. Estimate the new idle time limits in hours each day. |
Days per year | Days | Estimate the number of days per year that the targeted vehicle(s) operate. This may be determined from your records or you may use a default value from Table 5. However, since default values are based on nationwide statistics, they may vary considerably from your data. It is strongly recommended that you use your own data when possible. |
Value | Variable | Description |
GGE conversion factors | Conventional_GGE_factor | LHVfuel/LHVgasoline for the old vehicle Values found in Table 1. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor | GHG_conventional | Vehicle using its conventional fuel Values found in Table 1. |
Fuel Cost | Fuel_cost_current | Fuel cost for vehicle. Values found in Table 6. |
Gallons of conventional fuel saved
GGE_saved =Veh*(OIT - NIT)*Conventional_GGE_factor*days*Idle_useAmount of Greenhouse Gases reduced
GHG_reduction = GGE_saved*GHG_conventionalAmount of cost savings realized
Cost = (GGE_save/Conventional_GGE_factor)*Fuel_cost_current
Example #1: Use E85 in 3 midsize sedans 50% of the time.
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.124 GGE/gal diesel
GHG_conventional = 25.4 lb/GGE
Veh = 4
NIT = 3.5 hr/day
Days = 250
Idle_use = 1 gal/hr
OIT = 4 hrs/day
Fuel_cost_current = $3.86
GGE_saved = (4) (4-3.5) (250) (1.0) (1.124) = 562.0 GGE
GHG_reduced = 562.0 (25.4) = 14,274.8 Lbs GHG reduced
Cost = (562.0/1.124) (3.86) = $1,930.00
Reduce Mileage
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduction refers to substituting conventional travel with a mode of transportation that reduces petroleum consumption. This includes methods such as biking, walking, eliminating trips or increasing the efficiency of existing vehicles by using mass transit or developing advanced fleet strategies, such as route planning. The following section outlines the methodology for calculating petroleum reduction reduced mileage.
Value | Variable | Description |
Number of Vehicles | Veh | Enter the number of vehicles that employ the fuel economy improvements. |
Type of vehicle | --- | Choose the vehicle type from the selections based on type and size. |
Fuel Economy | MPG | Estimate the fuel economy for the vehicle(s). You may estimate the fuel economy for each vehicle make and model using conventional fuel (gasoline or diesel) from your records. You can look up published fuel economy data for most vehicles available from Default values based on vehicle type are available in Table 2. Because the default values are based on national averages, they may vary significantly from your experience. It is strongly recommended that you use your own data when available. |
Miles traveled per year per vehicle | VMT VMT_new |
Estimate the number of miles that each vehicle accumulates on average annually. If you do not have access to this data, default values are available in Table 4. Determine the new annual vehicle miles traveled you expect with your planned reduction. |
Value | Variable | Description |
GGE conversion factors | Conventional_GGE_factor | LHVfuel/LHVgasoline for the vehicle(s) Values found in Table 1. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor | GHG_conventional | Vehicle using its conventional fuel Values found in Table 1. |
Fuel Cost | Fuel_cost_current | Fuel cost for vehicle. Values found in Table 6. |
Gallons of gasoline equivalent of conventional fuel saved
GGE_saved = (Veh*(VMT - VMT_new)*Conventional_GGE_factor)/MPGAmount of Greenhouse Gases reduced fuel substitution
GHG_reduction = GGE_saved*GHG_conventionalAmount of cost savings realized by fuel substitution
Cost = (GGE_saved/Conventional_GGE_factor)*Fuel_cost_current
Example #1: Reduce miles traveled in 5 midsize sedans with average fuel economy of 24.9 MPG.
MPG = 24.9 MPG
Veh = 5
VMT_new = 13,000 mi/yr
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/gallon
GHG_conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
VMT (mi) = 15,000 mi/yr
Fuel_cost_current = 3.46 $/gal
GGE_saved = (5) (15,000-13,000) (1.0)/ (24.9) = 401.6 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = 401.6(24.8) = 9959.7 Lbs GHG reduced
Cost = (401.6/1) (3.46) = 1,389.54 $/yr saved
Drive Efficiently
There exist a number of methods to improve the fuel economy of a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Technologies in this category include such things as changing driver behavior (for example, reducing fast starts) and improved maintenance (for example, proper tire inflation).
Value | Variable | Description |
Number of Vehicles | Veh | Enter the number of vehicles that employ the fuel economy improvements. |
Type of vehicle | --- | Choose the vehicle type from the selections based on type and size. |
Fuel Economy | MPG | Estimate the fuel economy for the vehicle(s). You may estimate the fuel economy for each vehicle make and model using conventional fuel (gasoline or diesel) from your records. You can look up published fuel economy data for most vehicles available from Default values based on vehicle type are available in Table 2. Because the default values are based on national averages, they may vary significantly from your experience. It is strongly recommended that you use your own data when available. |
Miles traveled per year per vehicle | VMT VMT_new |
Estimate the number of miles that each vehicle will accumulate on average annually. If you do not have access to this data, default values are available in Table 4. |
Fuel Economy Improvement (%) | MPG_improvement | Estimate the percentage improvement in fuel economy you expect from fuel economy improvements such as driver behavior changes, proper maintenance of vehicles, etc. |
Value | Variable | Description |
GGE conversion factors | Conventional_GGE_factor | LHVfuel/LHVgasoline for the old vehicle Values found in Table 1. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor | GHG_conventional | Vehicle using its conventional fuel Values found in Table 1. |
Fuel Cost | Fuel_cost_current | Fuel cost for vehicle. Values found in Table 6. |
Target fuel economy
MPG_new = (1+MPG_improvement)*MPGGasoline gallons equivalent of conventional fuel saved
GGE_saved = (Veh*VMT*Conventional_GGE_factor)*(1/MPG - 1/MPG_new)Amount of Greenhouse Gases reduced with fuel substitution
GHG_reduction = GGE_saved*GHG_conventionalAmount of cost savings realized by switching fuels
Cost = GGE_saved*Fuel_cost_current
Example #1: Improve efficiency in 1 midsize sedan with an average fuel economy of 22 MPG. Fuel economy improvement 15%.
MPG = 22 MPG
Veh = 1
Fuel_cost_current = $3.46/gal
GHG_conventional = 24.8 lb/GGE
VMT (mi) = 10,000 mi/yr
Conventional_GGE_factor = 1.0 GGE/gal
FE_new = (1+0.15) (22) = 25.3 MPG
GGE_saved = (1) (10,000) (1.0)*(1/22 - 1/25.3) = 59.3 GGE
GGE_savings = (59.3) (1.0) = 59.3 GGE saved
GHG_reduction = (59.3) (24.8) = 1,470.6 Lbs GHG reduced
Cost = (59.3) (3.46) = 204.18 $/yr saved
Data Values and Conversion Factors
The following tables contain the values used for variables in the sections above.
Fuel | GGE Conversion Factors LHVfuel/LHVgasoline (GGE/Unit of fuel) |
GHG Conversion Factors (lb/GGE) | Blend Fraction (%) | Source |
Gasoline | 1.0 | 24.8 | 1.0 | GREET1-2011 |
E85 | 0.727 | 20.9 | 0.19 | |
Natural Gas (CNG) | 1.0 | 22.4 | 1.0 | |
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) | 0.649 | 22.3 | 1.0 | |
Propane (LPG) | 0.737 | 22.5 | 1.0 | |
Diesel | 1.124 | 25.4 | 1.0 | |
B5 | 1.119 | 24.5 | 0.95 | |
B10 | 1.115 | 23.6 | 0.9 | |
B20 | 1.107 | 21.7 | 0.8 | |
B100 | 1.038 | 3.1 | 1.0 | |
Electricity | 0.0296 | 56.2 | 1.0 |
Parameter | Value | Source |
Gasoline Cars | ||
Mini-compact | 26.0 | AEO 2011 (Table 70) 2011 new car values adjusted by degradation factor (Report No. EPA-420-R-10-023 November 2010, Table A4) |
Sub-compact | 26.9 | |
Compact | 25.7 | |
Midsize | 24.9 | |
Large | 24.1 | |
Diesel Cars | ||
Compact | 31.6 | AEO 2011 (Table 70) 2011 new car values adjusted by degradation factor (Report No. EPA-420-R-10-023 November 2010, Table A4) |
Midsize | 30.7 | |
Gasoline Light-duty Trucks | ||
Small pickup | 19.3 | AEO 2011 (Table 70) 2011 new car values adjusted by degradation factor (Report No. EPA-420-R-10-023 November 2010, Table A4) |
Large pickup | 17.7 | |
Small van | 21.4 | |
Large van | 21.2 | |
Small sport utility vehicle | 22.2 | |
Large sport utility vehicle | 22.0 | |
Diesel Light-duty Trucks | ||
Large pickup | 22.0 | AEO 2011 (Table 70) 2011 new car values adjusted by degradation factor (Report No. EPA-420-R-10-023 November 2010, Table A4) |
Large van | 26.3 | |
Small SUV | 26.9 | |
Large SUV | 21.8 | |
Gasoline Medium-duty Trucks | ||
MD truck 10,000-14,000 lbs | 7.6 | TEDB 30th Edition, Davis et al. 2011, Table 5.4; class 3 adjusted for spark ignition and LHV gasoline |
Diesel Medium/Heavy-duty Trucks | ||
MD truck 10,000-14,000 lbs | 10.5 | TEDB 30th Edition,Davis et al. 2011, Table 5.4 |
MD truck 14,001-26,000 lbs | 7.3 | |
Heavy-duty truck > 26,000 | 6.0 |
Vehicle | MPG_cs Charge Sustaining Fuel Economy (MPG) |
MPG_cd Charge Depleting Fuel Economy (kWh/mi) |
FUF Fleet Utility Factor* |
Source |
Mini-Compact Cars | ||||
Mini-compact HEV | 45 | N/A | 0.00 | NREL's Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim**) |
Mini-compact PHEV10 | 45 | 26.6 | 0.23 | |
Mini-compact PHEV20 | 44 | 26.2 | 0.4 | |
Mini-compact PHEV40 | 43 | 31.9 | 0.62 | |
Mini-compact BEV75 | N/A | 36.1 | 1.00 | |
Sub-Compact Cars | ||||
Sub-compact HEV | 42 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Sub-compact PHEV10 | 42 | 22.8 | 0.23 | |
Sub-compact PHEV20 | 42 | 29.7 | 0.4 | |
Sub-compact PHEV40 | 41 | 34.7 | 0.62 | |
Sub-compact BEV75 | N/A | 38.5 | 1.00 | |
Compact Cars | ||||
Compact HEV | 42 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Compact PHEV10 | 42 | 30.8 | 0.23 | |
Compact PHEV20 | 41 | 29.7 | 0.4 | |
Compact PHEV40 | 40 | 36.5 | 0.62 | |
Compact BEV75 | N/A | 38.9 | 1.00 | |
Midsize Cars | ||||
Midsize HEV | 39 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Midsize PHEV10 | 39 | 31.1 | 0.23 | |
Midsize PHEV20 | 39 | 31.8 | 0.4 | |
Midsize PHEV40 | 37 | 37.6 | 0.62 | |
Midsize BEV75 | N/A | 41.6 | 1.00 | |
Large Cars | ||||
Large HEV | 36 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Large PHEV10 | 36 | 35.3 | 0.23 | |
Large PHEV20 | 36 | 36.1 | 0.4 | |
Large PHEV40 | 34 | 40.6 | 0.62 | |
Large BEV75 | N/A | 44.5 | 1.00 | |
Small Trucks | ||||
Small Truck HEV | 31 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Small Truck PHEV10 | 31 | 31.8 | 0.23 | |
Small Truck PHEV20 | 31 | 37.7 | 0.4 | |
Small Truck PHEV40 | 30 | 46.9 | 0.62 | |
Small Truck BEV75 | N/A | 52.4 | 1.00 | |
Large Trucks | ||||
Large Truck HEV | 26 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Large Truck PHEV10 | 26 | 36.5 | 0.23 | |
Large Truck PHEV20 | 26 | 15.0 | 0.4 | |
Large Truck PHEV40 | 25 | 55.1 | 0.62 | |
Large Truck BEV75 | N/A | 62.1 | 1.00 | |
Small Vans | ||||
Small Van HEV | 32 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Small Van PHEV10 | 32 | 31.8 | 0.23 | |
Small Van PHEV20 | 31 | 40.3 | 0.4 | |
Small Van PHEV40 | 30 | 46.5 | 0.62 | |
Small Van BEV75 | N/A | 50.4 | 1.00 | |
Large Vans | ||||
Large Van HEV | 25 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Large Van PHEV10 | 25 | 40.9 | 0.23 | |
Large Van PHEV20 | 24 | 49.0 | 0.4 | |
Large Van PHEV40 | 23 | 60.8 | 0.62 | |
Large Van BEV75 | N/A | 68.1 | 1.00 | |
Small SUV | ||||
Small SUV HEV | 33 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Small SUV PHEV10 | 33 | 31.6 | 0.23 | |
Small SUV PHEV20 | 33 | 35.8 | 0.4 | |
Small SUV PHEV40 | 32 | 44.8 | 0.62 | |
Small SUV BEV75 | N/A | 50.2 | 1.00 | |
Large SUV | ||||
Large SUV HEV | 25 | N/A | 0.00 | FASTSim** |
Large SUV PHEV10 | 25 | 40.9 | 0.23 | |
Large SUV PHEV20 | 24 | 53.1 | 0.4 | |
Large SUV PHEV40 | 23 | 64.5 | 0.62 | |
Large SUV BEV75 | N/A | 28.0 | 1.00 |
* Fleet Utility Factor, SAE J2841_201009, Utility Factor Definitions for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using 2001 U.S. DOT National Household Travel Survey Data.
** NREL's Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim) is an advanced vehicle modeling tool used to predict energy consumption of conventional, hybrid, and all-electric powertrains over a broad range of vehicle classifications. FASTSim is a lumped-parameter model that simulates component operation and interaction subject to vehicle time/speed traces. Modeled components include: engine, electric motor/controller, traction battery, fuel tank, and wheels. Primary FASTSim outputs include city/highway fuel economy test results, acceleration capabilities, and vehicle purchase and operation costs. Additional details concerning FASTSim can be found in the following publications:
- Model-Based Analysis of Electric Drive Options for Medium-Duty Parcel Delivery Vehicles
- Technology Improvement Pathways to Cost-Effective Vehicle Electrification
- Technology Improvement Pathways to Cost-effective Vehicle Electrification
- Battery Ownership Model: A Tool for Evaluating the Economics of Electrified Vehicles and Related Infrastructure (the Vehicle Performance and Sizing Module section)
Parameter | Value | Source |
Car | 11,919 | Transportation Energy Data Book, 30th Edition, Davis et al. 2011. Table 4.1 |
LD truck | 11,555 | Table 4.2 |
MD truck < 14,000 lbs | 14,094 | Table 5.4 |
MD truck 14,000-26,000 lbs | 12,964 | Table 5.4, weighted avg. of class 4, 5, 6 |
HD truck | 45,133 | Table 5.4, weighted avg. of class 7, 8 |
Parameter | Value | Source |
HD Diesel | 0.8gal diesel/hour/vehicle | Estimation of Fuel Use by Idling Commercial Trucks, Gaines et al. 2006 |
MD Diesel | 0.6 gal diesel/hour/vehicle | |
LDV Diesel | 0.17 gal gal diesel/hour/vehicle | |
LDV Gasoline | 0.23 gal gal gasoline/hour/vehicle | |
Average idling time per year per vehicle (OIT) | 1830 hours/year |
Fuel | Fuel Price ($/unit of fuel) |
Unit | Source |
Biodiesel (B5) | 1 | Gallon | Source for all fuels except electricity: Alternative Fuel Price Report, updated quarterly. Source for electricity pricing: US Energy Information administration |
Biodiesel (B10) | 1 | Gallon | |
Biodiesel (B20) | 3.94 | Gallon | |
Biodiesel (B100) | 4.57 | Gallon | |
Electricity | 0.16 | kWh | |
Natural Gas (CNG) | 2.9 | Gasoline Gallon Equivalent | |
Propane (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) | 3.45 | Gallon | |
Gasoline | 3.65 | Gallon | |
Diesel | 4.07 | Gallon |
Parameter | Value | Source |
Light-duty (LD) | <= 10,000 lbs | TEDB 30th Edition, Davis et al. 2011 |
Medium-duty (MD) | 10,001-26,000 lbs | |
Heavy-duty (HD) | > 26,001 lbs |