Biodiesel Laws and Incentives in Minnesota
The list below contains summaries of all Minnesota laws and incentives related to biodiesel.
Laws and Regulations
Biodiesel Blend Mandate
During the months of April through September, diesel fuel sold in the state must contain at least 20% biodiesel (B20). Diesel fuel sold during the remainder of the year must contain at least 5% biodiesel (B5). From April 1 to April 14, diesel fuel sold in the state can be a lower blend than B20, but not less than 10% biodiesel (B10).
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, and the Pollution Control Agency, in consultation with the Biodiesel Task Force and other technical experts, must submit annual reports regarding the implementation of minimum biodiesel content requirements, including information about the price and supply of biodiesel fuel.
(Reference Minnesota Statutes 239.75 and 239.77)
Biodiesel Definition
Biodiesel is defined as a renewable, biodegradable, mono alkyl ester combustible liquid fuel that is derived from agricultural plant oils or animal fats and meets ASTM Standard D6751-11b for pure biodiesel (B100). A biodiesel blend is a blend of diesel fuel and biodiesel fuel (between 6% and 20%) for on-road and off-road diesel vehicle use. Biodiesel blends must comply with ASTM Standard D7467-10. Biodiesel produced from palm oil is not considered biodiesel fuel unless the palm oil is waste oil or grease collected from within the United States or Canada. (Reference Minnesota Statutes 239.761 and 239.77)
(Reference Minnesota Statutes 239.761 and 239.77)
Biofuel Blend Mandate
All gasoline sold or offered for sale in Minnesota must contain at least: - 10% corn-based ethanol by volume or the maximum percent by volume of corn-based ethanol authorized in a waiver issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), whichever is greater; or - 10% other biofuel authorized in an EPA waiver by volume, or a biofuel formulation registered by EPA under Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, section 7545.
Biofuel is defined as renewable fuel with an approved fuel pathway under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, as amended under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.
Any biofuel may be used to meet the standards above, but corn-based ethanol may not comprise less than the following percentages of the total biofuel use in the state by the date specified:Date | Minimum Amount of Corn-Based Ethanol |
January 1, 2020 | 60% |
January 1, 2025 | No Minimum |
(Reference Minnesota Statutes 239.761 and 239.791)
Biofuel Incentive Authorization
The Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation Program may offer grants, loans, or other financial incentives to alternative fuel retailers for the installation of ethanol blender pumps or other rural economic infrastructure activities, or to producers of transportation fuels from cellulosic material or bio-based products.
(Reference Minnesota Statutes 41A.12 and Senate Bill 1955, 2023)
Minnesota Biofuels Replacement Goals
The Minnesota Department of Weights and Measures promotes the replacement of petroleum used in the state with the goal that biofuels will account for at least the specified percentage of all gasoline offered for sale by the dates below:
Calendar Year | Biofuel Replacement Schedule |
2020 | 25% |
2025 | 30% |
(Reference Minnesota Statutes 239.7911)
State Agency Sustainability Plan and Requirements
Each state department or agency must prepare a biennial sustainability plan, that includes ways to modify vehicle use practices, and report annually on progress towards implementing their plan. Each state agency plan must prioritize the purchase of on-road vehicles that use alternative fuels. Vehicle purchasing priority is as follows:
1. Electric vehicles
2. Hybrid electric vehicles
3. Vehicles that use alternative fuels, including biodiesel blends of 20% (B20) or greater, compressed or liquefied natural gas, ethanol blends of 70% (E70) or greater, hydrogen, or propane
4. Gasoline or diesel vehicles
High priority vehicle types may be rejected if the vehicle type is incapable of carrying out its purpose or the total cost of ownership is more than 10% higher than the next vehicle in the preference list. Emergency and law enforcement vehicles are exempt from this requirement. State agency plans must also, among other things, encourage state employees to fuel vehicles with alternative fuels when available and increase the use of renewable fuels derived from agricultural products or waste products.
(Reference Minnesota Statutes 16C.135 and 16C.137 and House Bill 2310, 2023)
State Incentives
Biofuel Production Grant Program
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture provides grants to biofuel producers for up to $2.1053 per million British Thermal Unit (MMbtu) for advanced biofuel produced from cellulosic biomass and $1.053 per MMbtu for advanced biofuel produced from sugar or starch feedstocks. Eligible facilities must obtain 80% of their feedstocks from Minnesota, unless the facility is 50 miles or less from the state border; begin production by June 30, 2025; and meet minimum production levels. Additional requirements apply. For more information, see the Agricultural Growth, Research and Innovation Bioincentive Program website.
(Reference Minnesota Statutes 41A.16 and 239.051 and House Bill 3240, 2023)
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