Transportation Electrification Acceleration Programs

The Oregon Public Utility Commission must direct electric utilities to file applications for programs to accelerate transportation electrification. Eligible programs include investments in or customer rebates for electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Among other criteria, programs must stimulate innovation, competition, and customer choice in EV chargers and EV charging.

Additionally, the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) must engage with publicly and investor-owned utilities on how to improve transportation electrification plans and increase EV adoption in their service territories. ODOE must also provide the utilities with technical assistance on how to accommodate increased electric system loads from EVs.

(Reference Executive Order 17-21, 2017 and Oregon Revised Statues 757.357)

Jurisdiction: Oregon

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Mar 8, 2016

Amended: Nov 6, 2017

Technologies: EVs, PHEVs

See all Oregon Laws and Incentives.