Zero-Emission Buses Support

The Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE), with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Public Utility Commission (PUC), Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and the Department of Education, was directed to develop tools and provide assistance for school districts considering zero-emission bus options when replacing school buses.

ODOT, with ODOE, PUC, and DEQ, developed tools and best practices to help transit agencies when making decisions about using zero-emission buses in transit fleets. ODOT also worked with transit agencies, ODOE, DEQ, and the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division to access the environmental, public health, and financial benefits of an accelerated transition to zero-emission buses. For more information, see ODOE’s Guide to School Bus Electrification and the ODOT Transit Fleet Electrification website.

(Reference Executive Order 17-21, 2017)

Jurisdiction: Oregon

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Nov 6, 2017

Technologies: EVs

See all Oregon Laws and Incentives.