Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Incentive Requirement
Any state agency that offers an incentive for the installation of EV chargers must require that the EV charger is operational at least 97% of the time. State agencies must regularly review the site-wide uptime requirement on a biennial basis, to ensure that it is consistent with the minimum uptime requirement under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Grant Program. Each State agency must develop and implement a process to monitor compliance with, and to enforce, the site-wide uptime requirement. State agencies must conduct a public stakeholder engagement process when reviewing and modifying compliance with uptime requirements.
(Reference New Jersey Statutes 48:25-2 and 48:25-12)
Jurisdiction: New Jersey
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: Jan 16, 2024
Technologies: EVs, PHEVs
See all New Jersey Laws and Incentives.