Ethanol Production Incentive

Montana-based ethanol producers are eligible for a tax incentive of $0.20 per gallon of ethanol produced solely from Montana agricultural products or ethanol produced from non-Montana agricultural products when Montana products are unavailable. If the producer uses non-Montana based agricultural products, the amount of the tax incentive per gallon is reduced proportionately, based on the percentage of non-Montana based agricultural or wood products used in production. The tax incentive is available to a facility for the first six years from the date production begins and is available for ethanol distributors starting the first quarter after production begins.

Ethanol eligible for the incentive must be blended with gasoline for sale as ethanol-blended gasoline in Montana, exported from Montana for sale as ethanol-blended gasoline, or used in the production of ethyl butyl ether for use in reformulated gasoline. To receive the tax incentive, an ethanol producer must use at least 20% Montana products to produce the ethanol in the first year of production, must use at least 25% Montana products in the second year of production, and must increase the amount of Montana products by 10% each year thereafter.

(Reference Montana Code Annotated 15-70-522)

Jurisdiction: Montana

Type: State Incentives

Technologies: Ethanol

See all Montana Laws and Incentives.