Biofuels Research Grants

Archived: 06/01/2015

The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade administers the Bioscience Discovery Evaluation Grant Program (BDEGP), which provides grants to help research institutions commercialize biofuels and other qualified bioscience technologies. BDEGP includes three distinct grant programs: Proof of Concept, Early Stage Company, and Commercialization Infrastructure. For the purpose of this program, biofuel is defined as a biologically based fuel product developed from plant matter or other biological material, including renewable agricultural sources. Grant limits, matching funds, and other eligibility requirements apply. As of January 1, 2015, the BDEGP is part of the Advanced Industry Accelerator Program. On an interim basis, the BDEGP will operate in its former format along with the Advanced Industry Accelerator Program. For more information, see the BDEGP website. (Colorado Revised Statutes 24-48.5-108)

Jurisdiction: Colorado

Type: State Incentives

Enacted: May 3, 2007

Amended: May 15, 2013

Technologies: Biodiesel, Ethanol

See all Colorado Laws and Incentives.