Biofuel Production Tax Credit
Archived: 12/31/2019
Biofuel producers in New York State may qualify for a tax credit of $0.15 per gallon of pure biodiesel (B100) or denatured ethanol produced. To qualify, the production facility must produce, and make available for sale, at least 40,000 gallons of biofuel per year. The maximum annual credit available is $2.5 million per taxpayer for no more than four consecutive taxable years per production facility. If the taxpayer is in a partnership or is a shareholder of a New York S corporation, the maximum credit amount is applied at the entity level; the aggregate credit allowed to all partners or shareholders may not exceed $2.5 million. Additional requirements may apply. This credit expires December 31, 2019. (Reference New York Tax Law 28*2 and 187-c)
Jurisdiction: New York
Type: State Incentives
Technologies: Biodiesel, Ethanol
See all New York Laws and Incentives.