State Climate Change Commission

Archived: 09/01/2010

The Oregon Global Warming Commission (Commission) was created to develop long-term policy recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Oregon, pursuant to the following goals:

  • By 2010, stop the increase of Oregon’s GHG emissions and begin to reduce GHG emissions;
  • By 2020, achieve GHG levels that are 10% below 1990 levels; and
  • By 2050, achieve GHG levels that are at least 75% below 1990 levels.

The Commission follows the work of the Climate Change Integration Group to track and report on the state’s progress on GHG emissions reductions and assess future economic and societal implications of climate change. The Commission submitted the 2009 Report for the Legislature (PDF 1.4 MB) in January 2009. Download Adobe Reader

(Reference Executive Order 06-02, 2006, and Oregon Revised Statutes 184.423)

Jurisdiction: Oregon

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Jan 19, 2006

Amended: Aug 6, 2007

Technologies: Other

See all Oregon Laws and Incentives.