Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Promotion
Archived: 06/01/2013
To achieve Hawaii's transportation efficiency goals and to create jobs, foster economic growth, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Hawaii Senate encourages the promotion of PEV use in the state. As a first step, PEV charging infrastructure must be developed. In addition, stakeholders should work together to expedite the use of PEVs in Hawaii. Additionally, the Hawaii House of Representatives urges the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative End-Use Efficiency Work Group to address the challenges related to PEV charging stations and access to electrical outlets to facilitate the use of PEVs. (Reference House Concurrent Resolution 230, 2010, and Senate Concurrent Resolution 126, 2009)
Jurisdiction: Hawaii
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: Apr 27, 2009
Amended: Apr 16, 2010
Technologies: EVs, HEVs, PHEVs
See all Hawaii Laws and Incentives.