Hawaii Laws and Incentives

Listed below are incentives, laws, and regulations related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles for Hawaii. Your local Clean Cities and Communities coalition, Sustainable Transportation Coalition of Hawaii, can provide you with information about grants and other opportunities. You can also access coalition and other agency contact information in the points of contact section.

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Laws and Incentives

Information in this list is updated throughout the year and comprehensively reviewed annually after Hawaii's legislative session ends.
Last Comprehensive Review: May 2024

State Incentives

Utility/Private Incentives

Laws and Regulations

Expired, Repealed, and Archived Laws and Incentives

View a list of expired, repealed, and archived laws and incentives in Hawaii.

Points of Contact

Get contact information for Clean Cities and Communities coalitions or agencies that can help you with clean transportation laws, incentives, and funding opportunities in Hawaii.

Clean Cities and Communities Coalitions

Hawaii is home to the following coalitions:

Legislative Session Information

The Hawaii Legislature meets annually from mid-January to early May. The governor has 10 days to sign or veto legislation or it becomes law without signature. If the governor receives a bill within 10 days of adjournment or after adjournment, the governor has 45 days to sign or veto the legislation before it becomes law without signature.