Expired, Repealed, and Archived Mississippi Incentives and Laws
The following is a list of expired, repealed, and archived incentives, laws, regulations, funding opportunities, or other initiatives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, advanced technologies, or air quality.
Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Production Support and Procurement
Archived: 04/01/2016
In 2012, Mississippi joined Arkansas, Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming in signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to stimulate the production and demand for original equipment manufacturer (OEM) NGVs. The MOU aims to encourage OEMs to offer functional and affordable light- and medium-duty NGVs, aggregate state vehicle procurement through a joint request for proposals (RFP), boost private investment in natural gas fueling infrastructure, and encourage greater coordination between state and local agencies. In 2012, National Association of State Procurement Officials coordinated the solicitation of a joint RFP, which the Oklahoma Department of Central Services (DCS) issued on behalf of the MOU signatories and additional states. As a result, state fleets have access to more affordable NGVs through dealerships now included in state vehicle purchasing bids. For more information, including awarded vehicles by state and vehicle purchase information for state fleets, see the DCS Statewide Contract for NGVs solicitation page.
Biofuels Production Incentive
Expired: 06/30/2015
The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (Department) provides incentive payments to qualified ethanol and biodiesel producers located in Mississippi. The Department may issue payments of $0.20 per gallon for up to 30 million gallons per year per producer for a period of up to 10 years following the start date of production. The Department may not make payments for production after June 30, 2015, and the maximum total annual payment to a single producer per fiscal year is $6 million. (Mississippi Code 69-51-5)
State Employee Travel Policy
Archived: 04/30/2014
All state agencies and institutions must develop and adopt travel policies that include strategies to reduce petroleum consumption, such as carpooling to meetings and purchasing alternative fuels where available. (Reference Executive Order 82, 2009)
Biodiesel Committee
Archived: 01/01/2007
A Study Committee on the Potential Use of Biodiesel Fuel was created in 2006 to study the need for mandated use of biodiesel and the agricultural and environmental benefits of biodiesel use. (Reference Senate Bill 2942, 2006)
Economic Development Fund
Expired: 04/01/2005
The Mississippi Ace Fund (Ace Fund), administered by the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA), is a program that provides grants to Economic Development Entities (Local Sponsors) to assist in funding economic development opportunities to promote economic growth in the State of Mississippi (State). Local sponsors are encouraged to use these grants in connection with other State and federal programs. Projects, which are eligible for assistance, must be related to the construction, renovation, or expansion of a new or expanded industry. The maximum amount of ACE funds, which may be provided for any one project, is $150,000.
Vehicle Acquisition Requirements for Universities
Archived: 04/01/2005
When possible, any vehicle purchased or leased by a state university in Mississippi shall be an alternative fuel or a hybrid-electric vehicle. (Reference Senate Bill 3141, 2002)