Expired, Repealed, and Archived Vermont Incentives and Laws
The following is a list of expired, repealed, and archived incentives, laws, regulations, funding opportunities, or other initiatives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, advanced technologies, or air quality.
Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Incentive Analysis
Archived: 09/09/2022
The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) must complete a study and submit a to the legislature determining whether to implement a rebate program for individuals to purchase or lease fuel-efficient vehicles that is funded by fees collected from individuals that purchase or lease inefficient vehicles. The report must also assess how this incentive program could function with other Vermont incentive programs to reach the plug-in electric vehicle goal in the Vermont Comprehensive Energy Plan. VTrans published a report on October 15, 2019. (Reference House Bill 529, 2019)
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Fee Authorization
Expired: 07/01/2022
Any Vermont agency or department that owns or controls EV charging stations may establish and set user fees. The agency or department may establish fees that are less than or equal to the cost of charging or the retail rate charged for the use of EV charging stations available to the public. Fees collected must be deposited into the same fund or account from which the EV charging stations expenses originated. This authorization expires on July 1, 2022. (Reference Vermont Statutes Title 32, Chapter 7, Section 604)
Regional Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI)
Archived: 11/19/2021
Delaware, District of Columbia (D.C.), Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia signed a Declaration of Intent to create the TCI, a regional initiative to improve transportation, develop a clean energy economy, and reduce carbon emissions and air pollutants from the transportation sector. The signatory states and D.C. agree to explore and develop policies and programs that result in greater energy efficiency of regional transportation systems and reduce emissions. Additionally, states support the deployment of clean vehicles and fueling infrastructure, such as electric vehicle supply equipment, to maximize the economic opportunities and emissions reductions. For more information, see the TCI website.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Grants
Archived: 07/01/2021
The Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), in coordination with other state agencies, provides funding to governments, businesses, non-profit organizations, homeowner associations, electric utilities, and EVSE providers for the cost and installation of eligible EVSE. Applicants will be required to match 20% of all awarded funds. Eligible projects must include a minimum of 11 EVSE locations throughout the state. This grant program is funded by Vermont's portion of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. In 2020, the remaining VW funding was awarded. For more information, see the DHCD For more information, see the DHCD EVSE Grant Program website.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Code Reporting
Expired: 07/01/2021
On or before December 1, 2019, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (Agency) must submit a report to the legislature that provides an update on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) progress toward adopting a code on EVSE and makes a recommendation for an annual licensing fee for EVSE available to the public. If NIST has not adopted a code on EVSE by December 1, 2020, the Agency must submit an additional report on or before that date that provides an update on NIST’s progress toward adopting a code. (Reference Vermont Statutes Title 9, Chapter 73, Section 2730)
Support for Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Adoption
Archived: 07/01/2021
The Vermont Climate Action Commission (VCAC) was established to evaluate actions that the state can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors of the economy, including transportation. VCAC published its Final Report on July 31, 2018, which recommends that Vermont take the following actions to increase PEV adoption:
- Reduce the purchase cost of PEVs;
- Increase the availability of electric vehicle supply equipment;
- Increase public awareness of PEVs and their benefits.
For more information, see the VCAC website. (Reference Executive Order 12-17, 2017)
Support for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)
Archived: 07/15/2020
The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) assembled a meeting of public and private stakeholders on November 8, 2017, to discuss raising awareness regarding the opportunities and challenges of AVs. Topics of discussion included:
- AV registration and inspection;
- AV education, training, and operator licensing;
- Insurance and liability;
- Enforcement of AV laws;
- AV testing;
- Emergency response;
- AV infrastructure needs; and the
- Social, economic, and environmental impacts of AVs
Carbon Reduction Procurement Policies
Archived: 07/10/2020
The Vermont Agency of Administration and the Climate Cabinet must revise state acquisition policies to ensure consideration of vendor business practices that promote clean energy and address climate change. Policies should consider, for example, the use of and support of plug-in electric and zero emission vehicles, including providing workplace charging stations. (Reference Executive Order 05-16, 2016)
Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Charging Fee Analysis
Archived: 07/10/2020
By December 15, 2019, the Vermont Public Utility Commission (Commission), in consultation with electric utilities, the Vermont Agency of Transportation, the Vermont Department of Public Service, and Efficiency Vermont, must submit a report to the legislature evaluating:
- The steps necessary for electric utilities to implement a PEV charging fee;
- A PEV charging tariff design for electric utilities with more than 17,000 customers;
- Whether the Commission should require electric utilities to submit regular reports on PEV charging-related activities;
- The amount of additional revenue electric utilities expect to be generated by PEVs over the next 10 years; and
- How to address the use of net metering and net metering energy credits for PEV charging.
Fuel-Efficient and Low Emission Vehicle Acquisition Requirements
Expired: 07/01/2020
The Climate Neutral Working Group (Working Group) aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from state government operations. As part of this effort, all state government agencies, offices, and departments must purchase the most fuel-efficient vehicles available in each vehicle class according to specifications set by the Working Group. The Working Group must consider vehicles that meet high fuel economy standards and provide lower total overall emissions of GHGs, criteria pollutants, and hazardous air contaminants. The State Agency Energy Plan specifies additional responsibilities for the Working Group. This directive expires on July 1, 2020. (Reference Executive Order 14-03, 2003)
State Agency Energy Plan Transportation Requirements
Archived: 07/09/2019
The Vermont Agency of Administration developed and oversees the implementation of the State Agency Energy Plan (Plan). The Agency of Administration must modify the Plan as necessary and re-adopt it on or before January 15 of each fifth year. As specified in the 2016 Plan, the Vermont Agency of Transportation must continue to use 5% biodiesel (B5) in its fleet of heavy-duty vehicles. The Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services will increase its deployment of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) to comprise at least 25% of its light-duty fleet by 2025 and install electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), as necessary. All state agencies must install EVSE and increase their use of PEVs to a level that will displace 10% of their gasoline use by 2020.
(Reference Vermont Statutes Title 3, Chapter 45, Section 2291, and Executive Order 15-12, 2012)
Volkswagen (VW) Settlement Allocation
Archived: 07/09/2019
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources must select projects and distribute funding to leverage 15% of Vermont's portion of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust for the purchase of light-duty vehicle electric vehicle supply equipment. The remaining funding must be allocated towards projects that replace eligible vehicles and equipment with all-electric technologies or convert them to all-electric. (Reference House Bill 16, 2018)
Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Research and Development Tax Credit
Archived: 06/01/2017
Vermont businesses that qualify as a high-tech business involved exclusively in the design, development, and manufacture of alternative fuel vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, all-electric vehicles, or energy technology involving fuel sources other than fossil fuels are eligible for up to three of the following tax credits: 1) payroll income tax credit; 2) qualified research and development income tax credit; 3) export tax credit; 4) small business investment tax credit; and 5) high-tech growth tax credit. Certain limits and restrictions apply. This incentive expires December 31, 2016. (Reference Vermont Statutes Title 32, Chapter 151, Section 5930a, c, f, g, and k)
School Bus Pilot Program
Expired: 09/01/2015
The Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles will approve up to three participants for a pilot program to operate Type II school buses that are retrofitted with an auxiliary fuel tank to enable the use of biodiesel, waste vegetable oil, or straight vegetable oil. Eligible buses must pass inspection in accordance with the state School Bus Periodic Inspection Manual and comply with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. A Type II school bus is defined as a school bus with a manufacturer's rated seating capacity of more than 10 and fewer than 16 passengers, including the operator. The pilot program will expire on September 1, 2015. (Reference Vermont Statutes Title 23, Chapter 1, Section 4)
Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) User Fee Study
Archived: 06/01/2015
The Vermont Agency of Transportation, in consultation with the Joint Fiscal Office, the Motor Vehicle Department, Department of Taxes, and Department of Public Service, analyzed and reported on options for user fees and fee collection mechanisms for AFVs using fuels that are not currently taxed. In addition, the Committee on Transportation Funding released a report on estimated transportation revenues over five years and potential new sources of revenue, including a tax based on vehicle miles traveled. For more information see the Vermont Transportation Funding Options Final Report. (Reference House Bill 770, 2012)
Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Promotion
Archived: 08/01/2014
The Vermont Climate Cabinet is responsible for, among other duties, identifying strategies to reduce Vermont’s greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuel for transportation by encouraging AFVs and more efficient vehicle and mobility choices. (Reference Executive Order 05-11, 2011)
Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) and Infrastructure Funding
Archived: 07/01/2012
The Clean Energy Development Fund provides funding for projects that involve the purchase of dedicated NGVs and development of natural gas fueling infrastructure. To qualify for funding, the NGV must produce fewer emissions than commercially available vehicles using conventional fuel, and fueling infrastructure must deliver natural gas without interruption. (Reference Vermont Statutes Title 30, Chapter 89, Section 8015)
Green Workforce Collaborative
Archived: 07/01/2012
The Vermont Workforce Development Council and the Department of Labor will create a Green Workforce Collaborative to develop and promote career training and employment opportunities for Vermont residents in green industry sectors, including the energy-efficient, low emission, and advanced vehicles industry; the mass transit fleet conversion industry; and the biofuels industry. These programs will enhance the economic and environmental vitality of the state and give priority to programs that provide education, training, and other services to target populations. (Reference House Bill 313, 2009)
Biodiesel Use Study
Archived: 12/31/2009
The Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services, Public Service Board, and Agency of Transportation must submit a report to the state legislature with recommendations for increasing the use of biodiesel in the state vehicle fleet. The report must include recommendations for using biodiesel blends of at least 5% (B5) in the transportation fleet by December 31, 2009, and at least 10% (B10) by 2012. (Reference Senate Bill 209, 2008)
Greenhouse Emissions Study
Archived: 12/15/2008
By December 15, 2008, the Vermont Agency of Transportation must submit a report to the state legislature on the role of motor vehicles in contributing to air emissions in the state and determine what portion of overall statewide energy consumption is attributable to motor vehicle use. The report must also include recommendations to encourage and reward energy-efficient transportation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by the transportation sector, and support alternative modes of transportation, as well as recommendations for public education on clean and efficient transportation options. (Reference Senate Bill 350, 2008)
Governor's Commission on Climate Change
Archived: 09/01/2007
Recognizing that emissions from vehicles are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Vermont, the Governor's Commission on Climate Change was established to develop recommendations on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state and provide these recommendations to the Governor. The Commission will submit these recommendations to the Governor in a Climate Change Action Plan no later than September 1, 2007. (Reference Executive Order 07-05, 2005)