Well-to-Wheels Analysis of Advanced Fuel/Vehicle Systems - A North American Study of Energy Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Criteria Pollutant Emissions
An accurate assessment of future fuel/propulsion system options requires a complete vehicle fuel-cycle analysis, commonly called a well-to-wheels (WTW) analysis. In this WTW study, we analyzed energy use and emissions associated with fuel production (or well-to-tank [WTT]) activities and energy use andemissions associated with vehicle operation (or tank-to-wheels [TTW])activities. Energy resources, such as petroleum, natural gas (NG), coal, and biomass, as well as the energy carrier, electricity, are considered as feedstocks to produce various transportation fuels, including gasoline, diesel fuel, hydrogen (H2), ethanol (EtOH), compressed natural gas (CNG), methanol (MeOH), and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) diesel. The propulsion systems evaluated were spark-ignition (SI) engines, compression-ignition (CI) engines, hydrogen fuel cells, and fuel processor fuel cells, all in non-hybrid and hybrid electric configurations.This study updates and supplements a previous (2001) North American study, conducted by GM and others (General Motors [GM] et al. 2001), of energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with advanced vehicle/fuel systems (GM Phase 1 North American study). The primary purposeof this Phase 2 study is to address criteria pollutant emissions, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 10 microns (PM10), and sulfur oxide emissions (SOx). We also updated the vehicle modeling for energyconsumption with the latest powertrain maps and added some additional propulsion systems, such as hydrogen internal combustion engines (ICEs).As in the previous study, the vehicle modeled was a 2010-model-year, full-sized GM pickup truck. The truck was selected because it is a high seller among light-duty vehicles (cars and trucks) in the U.S. market, and light-duty trucks account for a large proportion of the fuel used in the U.S. vehicle fleet. In our study, we attempted
Authors: Brinkman, Norman; Wang, Michael; Weber, Trudy; Darlington, Thomas
The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and R&D Needs
This 374-page report assesses the current state of technology for producing hydrogen from a variety of energy sources; estimates current and projected future costs, CO2 emissions and energy efficiencies for hydrogen technologies; considers scenarios for the potential penetration of hydrogen into the economy and associated impacts on oil imports and CO2 gas emissions; addresses hydrogen distribution, storage and dispensation; reviews the U.S. DOE's research, development and demonstration (RD&D) plan for hydrogen; and makes recommendations to the DOE and RD&D, including directions, priorities and strategies.
Notes: Copies of this document can be purchased from the National Academies Press Websites at: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=10922
Travel Matters: Mitigating Climate Change with Sustainable Surface Transportation
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 93: Travel Matters - Mitigating Climate Change with Sustainable Surface Transportation presents information on climate change and examines how greenhouse gas emissions from transportation may be reduced. The report also looks at the capacity of public transportation to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Authors: Feigon, S.; Hoyt, D.; McNally, L.; Mooney-Bullock, R.; Campbell, S.; Leach, D.
Notes: Copies of this document can be downloaded from the Transportation Research Board Website at: http://trb.org/news/blurb_detail.asp?ID=2071
The Next Generation Natural Gas Vehicle Activity
The Next Generation Natural Gas Vehicle (NGNGV) R&D activity is leading important advances in natural gas vehicle (NGV) technology. NGNGV Phase I engine research projects demonstrated NOx emissions well below EPA 2007 levels, and tow projects met EPA 2010 levels in medium-duty engines. NGNGV Phase II engine and vehicle projects covering a range of power and torque ratings are targeted to achieve EPA 2007/2010 emission levels in 2005. In addition, gaseous fuel expertise gained through the NGNGV activity and other government and industry NGV and infrastructure efforts is aiding the transition to a future transportation scenario based on hydrogen.
SunLine Test Drives Hydrogen Bus
This evaluation is one of several DOE projects that support the research and development of highly efficient, low- or zero-emission fuel cell power systems, which serve as an alternative to internal combustion engines. The demonstration is consistent with the Hydrogen, Fuel Cell & Infrastructure Technologies (HFC&IT) goal of having advanced technology vehicles enter the marketplace by 2010.
The Energy Smart Guide to Campus Cost Savings
With 4,000-plus accredited, degree-granting institutions of postsecondary education in the U.S. and its outlying areas, energy efficiency improvements are impacting millions of students, faculty and staff. NACUBO and APPA are proud to have worked with the United States Department of Energy to bring you this resource guide, which is intended to give our members realworld input on a number of critical energy efficiency issues facing us today. It's also meant to alert our members to new opportunities to save both money and energy, while strengthening your institutions' contributions to environmental responsibility. And as such, it is part of our continuing services to our members. Our goal, as always, is to bring you up-to-date information you can use to make the difficult and important decisions that you face every day.
Alternative Fuels in Public Transit: A Match Made on the Road
As alternative fuels compete with conventional fuels for a place in public awareness and acceptance, one of their most visible applications is in public transportation. Vehicles, particularly buses and shuttles, that carry people in large numbers, stand to gain much from using alternative fuels. Such high-demand fuel users can help sustain a fueling infrastructure that supports private autos and other smaller vehicles.
Future U.S. Highway Energy Use: A Fifty Year Perspective
The U.S. Transportation system as a whole and the highway mode in particular will be much different in the year 2050 compared to today. The type and number of vehicles in use and the fuels employed to power them are unknown. Yet planning for the future requires acting on the information at hand: assessing the implications of the current path and the potential benefit of alternative futures. This paper puts transportation energy issues into a long-run perspective so that informed planning can begin early enough to make a decisive difference. This paper examines the global oil supply and demand over the next 50 years to show that a transition away from conventional oil will begin. The analysis reviews the energy, economic, and environmental implications of the alternatives that are available to meet some of the anticipated gap between world conventional oil production and the liquid fuels required to support a growing world economy. This paper then describes several U.S. Transportation technology strategies with a range of efficiency improvements and fuel substitutions, and calculates their first order effects on energy use, petroleum consumption, and carbon emissions over a 50-year time horizon.
Authors: Birky, A.; Greene, D.; Gross, T.; Hamilton, D.; Heitner, K.; Johnson, L.; Maples, J.; Moore, J.; Patterson, P.; Plotkin, S.; Stodolsky, F.
Notes: This report is available on the Office of Transportation Technologies (OTT) Web site at http://www.ott.doe.gov/facts/publications/hwyfuture.pdf
Taking an Alternative Route: A Guide for Fleet Operators and Individual Owners Using Alternative Fuels in Cars and Trucks
DOE has prepared this guide to help you determine whether your fleet is covered by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) and the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), and to provide information on available alternative fuels and vehicles. With this information, fleets can shorten the time it takes to improve air quality and pave our nation's road to energy independence by using AFVs certified to meet EPA's Clean Fuel Fleet standards as well as the mandated EPAct requirements.
State Alternative Fuel Vehicle Incentives: A Decade and More of Lessons Learned
This report assesses the effectiveness of state incentives and suggests incentives that might encourage new vehicle technologies. It does not assess whether a state should promote alternative fuel vehicles or whether such vehicles are the most effective means to reduce air pollution. Rather, the analysis analyzes the effectiveness of state incentives of the past decade and describes the characteristics of effective alternative fuel vehicle incentives and the fiscal implications for a state that is committed to support an effective alternative fuel vehicle program.
Authors: Brown, M.;Breckenridge, L.
The U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Summary of Analysis Projects 1994 - 2000
The U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Program has funded a wide variety of analysis projects in support of its mission to conduct research and engineering development for the purpose of making hydrogen a cost-effective energy carrier for utility, buildings, and transportation applications. The goal of the analyses is to provide direction, focus, and support to the development and introduction of hydrogen through evaluation of the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of hydrogen technologies. This document contains summaries of 76 reports or publications of analysis work funded by the Hydrogen Program form 1994 through 2000. The purpose of this work is to help determine areas of focus for future analyses and also to provide a quick reference for studies already completed.
Authors: Ogden, J.;Strohbehn, J.;Dennis, E.
On the Road in 2020: A Life-cycle Analysis of New Automobile Technologies
This report is a description of work done at MIT during the past two years to assess technologies for new passenger cars that could be developed and commercialized by the year 2020. The report does not make predictions about which technologies will be developed nor judgments about which technologies should be developedissues for the marketplace and for public policy that are not examined here.
The primary motivation for this study was the desire to assess new automobile technologies which have the potential to function with lower emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) widely believed to contribute to global warming. The GHG of most concern here is carbon dioxide (CO2), but methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) can also be important. If public policy or market forces result in constraints on GHG emissions, automobiles and other light-duty vehiclesa key part of the transportation sectorwill be candidates for those constraints since the transportation sector accounts for about 30% of all CO2 emissions in OECD countries, and about 20% worldwide.
Notes: Copies of this document can be downloaded from the MIT Laboratory for Energy and Environment Web site at: http://lfee.mit.edu/publications/PDF/el00-003.pdf.