Demonstration of a Low-NO<sub>x</sub> Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Engine
This project demonstrated a heavy-duty natural gas engine emission reduction strategy resulting in oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions of 0.54 g/bhp-h and particulate matter (PM) emissions of 0.004 g/bhp-h. Reducing NOx and PM emissions is crucial for meeting increasingly strict regulations (Figure 1). By 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will require NOx emissions of 0.2 g/bhp-h or less and PM emissions of 0.01 g/bhp-h or less. The technology demonstrated in this project may help natural gas engines meet the 2010 requirements. It is anticipated that this would lead to more extensive use of natural gas vehicles, resulting in reduced petroleum consumption.
City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation LNG Heavy-Duty Trucks
This fact sheet describes an Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity (AVTA) field study for Dual-Fuel? liquefied natural gas (LNG) refuse trucks used by the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation. The study showed that the trucks with Dual-Fuel engines were best suited to meet the operational requirements of refuse collection. Specifically, the Dual-Fuel trucks had adequate horsepower and torque and could be operated safely over all terrains covered by the Bureau's refuse collection service.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - December 30, 2003
This is the tenth issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report, a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the weeks of December 1, and December 8, 2003, with comparisons to the prices in the previous Price Report, which were collected in February 2003.
Authors: Lott, M.
The Next Generation Natural Gas Vehicle Activity
The Next Generation Natural Gas Vehicle (NGNGV) R&D activity is leading important advances in natural gas vehicle (NGV) technology. NGNGV Phase I engine research projects demonstrated NOx emissions well below EPA 2007 levels, and tow projects met EPA 2010 levels in medium-duty engines. NGNGV Phase II engine and vehicle projects covering a range of power and torque ratings are targeted to achieve EPA 2007/2010 emission levels in 2005. In addition, gaseous fuel expertise gained through the NGNGV activity and other government and industry NGV and infrastructure efforts is aiding the transition to a future transportation scenario based on hydrogen.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - March 3, 2003
This is the ninth issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report, a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the weeks of February 3, February 10, and February 17 2003, with comparisons to the prices in the previous Price Report, which were collected in October, 2002.
Authors: Lott, M.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - December 27, 2002
This is the eighth issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report, a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the weeks of October 21, October 28, and November 4, 2002, with comparisons to the prices in the previous Price Report which were collected in July, 2002.
Authors: Lott, M.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - August 8, 2002
This is the seventh issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report, a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the weeks of July 15, July 22, and July 29, 2002, with comparisons to the prices in the previous Price Report which were collected in April, 2002.
Authors: Lott, M.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - May 10, 2002
This is the sixth issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report, a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the weeks of April 15 and April 22, 2002, with comparisons to the prices in the previous Price Report which were collected in February, 2002.
Authors: Lott, M.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - March 28, 2002
This is the fifth issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report, a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the months of January and February, 2002, with comparisons to the prices in the previous Price Report which were collected in October, 2001.
Authors: Lott, M.
Resource Guide for Heavy-Duty LNG Vehicles, Infrastructure, and Support Operations
This Guide is designed to assist decision makers and fleet managers, in considering the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in heavy-duty vehicles. The objective of the Guide is to answer questions regarding implementation of LNG fuel in the fleet, e.g., getting started, likely costs, benefits, and lessons others have learned. This Guide also provides you with contact information for representatives of companies now using these fuels, manufacturers and suppliers of the fuels, and technical and governmental reference materials. The information in the Guide is intended to be useful for both new and existing end-users of heavy-duty LNG vehicles, so that operations can be initiated or conducted in a cost-effective manner with minimal disruptions related to the new fuel technology.
Authors: Chandler, K.L.; Gifford, M.T.; Carpenter, B.S.
Alternative Fuels in Public Transit: A Match Made on the Road
As alternative fuels compete with conventional fuels for a place in public awareness and acceptance, one of their most visible applications is in public transportation. Vehicles, particularly buses and shuttles, that carry people in large numbers, stand to gain much from using alternative fuels. Such high-demand fuel users can help sustain a fueling infrastructure that supports private autos and other smaller vehicles.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - December 17, 2001
This is the fifth issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report, a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to data on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the weeks of October 15 and October 22, 2001, with comparisons to the prices in the previous Price Report for the week of June 4, 2001.
Authors: Lott, M.
Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report - July 3, 2001
This is the fourth issue of the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report,a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date on the price of alternative fuels in the U.S. and their relation to gasoline and diesel prices. This issue discusses prices that were gathered from Clean Cities coordinators and stakeholders during the weeks of May 28 and June 4, 2001, with comparisons to the prices in the previous price report for the week of October 9, 2000.
Authors: Laughlin, M.