Electricity Laws and Incentives in Missouri

The list below contains summaries of all Missouri laws and incentives related to electricity.

Laws and Regulations

Alternative Fuel Promotion

The Missouri Alternative Fuels Commission (Commission) promotes the continued production and use of alternative transportation fuels in Missouri. The Commission submits a report annually to the governor and general assembly that includes: - Recommendations on changes to state law to facilitate the sale and distribution of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles (AFV); - Promotes the development, sale, distribution, and consumption of alternative fuels; - Promotes the development and use of AFVs and technology that will enhance the use of alternative and renewable fuels; - Educates consumers about alternative fuels; and, - Develops a long-range plan for the state to reduce consumption of petroleum fuels.

For more information, see the Missouri Alternative Fuels Commission website.

(Reference Missouri Revised Statutes 414.420)

Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Acquisition and Alternative Fuel Use Requirements

A state agency that operates a vehicle fleet consisting of 15 vehicles or more must ensure that at least 50% of new vehicles purchased over a defined biennial period are capable of operating using an alternative fuel. Excess acquisitions of AFVs may be credited towards future biennial goals. If a state agency fails to meet a biennial acquisition goal, purchases of any non-AFVs are not permitted until the goals are met or an exemption or goal reduction has been granted. In addition, 30% of the fuel purchased annually for use in operating state fleet vehicles must be alternative fuels.

(Reference Missouri Revised Statutes 414.4365and 414.407)

Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Decal

The state motor fuel tax does not apply to passenger vehicles, certain buses, or commercial vehicles that are powered by an alternative fuel, if the vehicles obtain an AFV decal. Owners or operators of AFVs that also own or operate a personal fueling station must pay an annual alternative fuel decal fee, as listed below. Alternative fuel motor vehicles licensed as historic vehicles are exempt from the alternative fuel decal requirement.

Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) Type of Vehicle Decal Fee
18,000 pounds (lbs.) or less Passenger, School Bus, or Commercial $75
18,001 lbs.-36,000 lbs. Farm or Farming Transportation with an ‘F’ License Plate $100
18,001 lbs.-36,000 lbs. Passenger-Carrying and Other Motor Vehicles $150
36,000 lbs. or more Farm or Farming Transportation with an ‘F’ License Plate $250
36,000 lbs. or more All Other Motor Vehicles $1,000

The decal fee for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles model year 2018 and later is one-half of the annual decal fees listed above for their corresponding vehicle type and GVW.

Owners and operators of passenger motor vehicles, buses, or commercial motor vehicles that are powered by compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), or liquefied petroleum gas (propane), may continue to apply for and use the alternative fuel decal in lieu of paying the CNG, LNG, and/or propane tax, as long as the they have installed a fueling station used solely to fuel his or her vehicle(s). If an owner or operator of a motor vehicle powered by propane that bears an alternative fuel decal refuels at an unattended propane fueling station, such owner or operator shall not be eligible for a refund of the motor fuel tax paid at the time of refueling. For more information, see the Missouri Department of Revenue Special Fuel Decals website.

(Reference Missouri Revised Statutes 142.803 and 142.869)

Public Utility Definition

An entity that sells, leases, owns, controls, operates, or manages an electric vehicle charging station, other than those that engage in the production or sale of wholesale electricity, is not considered an electric corporation.

(Reference Missouri Revised Statutes 386.020)

State Incentives

Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Emissions Inspection Exemption

Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity, including hydrogen or fuels other than gasoline that are exempt from motor vehicle emissions inspection under federal regulation, are exempt from state emissions inspection requirements.

(Reference Missouri Revised Statutes 643.315)

Missouri's National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Planning

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) NEVI Formula Program requires the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) to submit an annual EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan (Plan) to the DOT and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office) , describing how the state intends to distribute NEVI funds. The submitted plans must be established according to NEVI guidance.

For more information about Missouri’s NEVI planning process, see the MoDOT NEVI website. To review Missouri’s NEVI plan, see the Joint Office State Plans for EV Charging website.

Utility / Private Incentives

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Incentives - Ameren Missouri

Ameren Missouri’s Charge Ahead program offers competitive incentives to non-residential customers for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations at qualifying workplaces, multi-unit dwellings (MUDs), and public areas. Sites must be located in Ameren Missouri’s service territory and require no electrical upgrades. Incentives are available in the following amounts, or up to 50% of total project costs, whichever is less:

EV Charging Station Site Maximum Number of Level 2 Ports Maximum Number of DCFC Chargers Maximum Incentive Amount
Workplace 10 2 $90,000
MUD 10 0 $50,000
Public 6 2 $70,000

Applicants may receive up to $500,000. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications for incentives will be accepted until September 30, 2022, or until funding is exhausted, whichever is earlier.

Additional terms and conditions apply for each incentive program. For more information, including funding availability, see the Ameren Missouri Electric Vehicles Website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate – Evergy

Evergy offers a $500 rebate for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station to qualified residential customers that purchase or lease an EV and enroll in a time-of-use rate. For more information, see the Evergy EV Charging Rebate website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate – Kirkwood Electric

Kirkwood Electric offers residential and business customers a $300 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Applicants are limited to one rebate per location annually. For more information, see the Kirkwood Electric Energy Efficiency website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Support

Missouri utilities joined the National Electric Highway Coalition (NEHC), committing to create a network of direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations connecting major highway systems from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific of the United States. NEHC utility members agree to ensure efficient and effective fast charging deployment plans that enable long distance EV travel, avoiding duplication among coalition utilities, and complement existing corridor DCFC sites. For more information, including a list of participating utilities and states, see the NEHC website.

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