Ethanol Laws and Incentives in Massachusetts

The list below contains summaries of all Massachusetts laws and incentives related to ethanol.

Laws and Regulations

Alternative Fuel Offering Requirement

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation may not enter into, renew, or renegotiate a contract with a fuel provider for services on the Massachusetts Turnpike without requiring the provider to offer alternative fuel. Alternative fuel is defined as an energy source that is used to power a vehicle and is not gasoline or diesel.

(Reference Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 6C, Section 75 and Chapter 90, Section 1)

State Agency Alternative Fuel Use Requirement

All Massachusetts agencies must use a minimum of 15% biodiesel (B15) in all on- and off-road diesel engines, provided that the Commonwealth Office of Vehicle Management and other appropriate agencies have determined that a B15 goal is appropriate. Each year, the Executive Office for Administration and Finance and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) must set minimum percentage requirements for E85 use in state flexible fuel vehicles, depending on the availability of the fuel in the state. Agencies may apply for exemptions from the biodiesel and E85 fuel use requirements if the agencies demonstrate that the alternative fuel is not available within a reasonable distance, cannot be purchased by state vehicle operators through state procurement, or the price of the alternative fuel is cost prohibitive, as determined by DOER.

(Reference Massachusetts Executive Office of Administration and Finance Administrative Bulletin 13, 2006)

State Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Acquisition Requirements

When purchasing new motor vehicles, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must purchase HEVs or AFVs to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with the ability of such vehicles to perform their intended functions. HEVs and AFVs must be acquired at a rate of at least 5% annually for all new motor vehicle purchases so that not less than 50% of the motor vehicles the Commonwealth owns and operates will be HEVs or AFVs by 2018.

State fleets must also acquire AFVs according to the requirements of the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 and the Massachusetts Office of Vehicle Management (OVM) must approve any light-duty vehicle acquisition. All agencies must purchase the most economical, fuel-efficient, and low emission vehicles appropriate to their mission. OVM, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, will set new minimum standards for vehicle fuel economy and work with agencies to acquire vehicles that provide the best value for the Commonwealth on a total cost of ownership basis.

By July 1 of each year, OVM must compile a report detailing the progress made towards these requirements.

(Reference Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 7, Section 9A)

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