Propane Laws and Incentives in Delaware
The list below contains summaries of all Delaware laws and incentives related to propane.
State Incentives
Alternative Fuel Tax Exemption
Taxes imposed on alternative fuels used in official vehicles for the United States government or any Delaware state government agency, including volunteer fire and rescue companies, are waived. Alternative fuel retailers must obtain a fuel supplier’s license from the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), and operators or owners of vehicles using alternative fuel must obtain either a special fuel user’s license from DelDOT or pay the special fuel tax.
(Reference Delaware Code Title 30, Chapter 51, Subchapter II)
Medium- and Heavy-Duty (MHD) Emissions Reductions Funding
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) provides funding for MHD on-road and limited off-road emission reduction projects. This grant program is funded by Delaware’s portion of the Volkswagen (VW) Environmental Mitigation Trust. For more information, including program guidance, application deadlines, and funding availability, see the DNREC VW Mitigation Plan website.
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